Patricia P. Spiritual Workshop trainer in Mysore

Patricia P.

Life Coach

Bogadi, Mysore, India - 570026.

Verified 14 Students

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I offers comprehensive Intuitive consultations embracing the spirit,mental, emotional and physical lifestyle guidance. Creating awareness through workshops, one to one consultations and healing. The Journey through life is a continuous process within every experience, understanding the body's energies working as a channel, the heightened connectedness intuitively works with Consciousness in the Collective as a Reiki and Pranic Energy Healer.
Sophia also offers two other highly
effective remedies through guided conscious meditations where, the individual experiences an understanding on how to continue applying the process, as part of their daily routine to enhance their lifestyle. Breath Work Techniques is being consciously aware of your intended breathing at all times, as opposed to being a shallow breather, through combinations of wonderful synergies.
Further Training
"When The Student Is Ready The Avatar Appears"
"I am consciousness expressing Divinity (It-self) in a body, vibrating at a frequency within this physical experiential plane".
I am a conduit working Consciously with the Collective Consciousness in the "I Am Presence" that is ever present within all of humanity, expressing "It-self' as the 'We' through guidance serving through the physicality, of experiential on earth.
The 'I" or "I Am" is not egoistic, as most have presumed, that one has to curb the ego in order to attain realization. All are realized, one is dis-connected from their 'realization', All are 'en-lighted', only deemed from their light. All are 'Buddha's', some are sleeping Buddha's, others half asleep, half awake and fully awake.
To each one there is a serving in their states of being, as there is a purpose to serve on the physical plane, in the states of being that we all are in being to be. It is within the learning process that one awakens to embracing one's realization, enlightenment as 'E-vol v-ing is a continuous process within consciousness. (Experience - Love - In - God.)
There are many ancient texts that depict the OMNIPRESENT, through experience I, can attest as the power and energy of love as GOD. The divine presence has no gender, It is within all in the energies expressed through the physicality, as the soul impregnates the physical with the whole-some being-ness of It-self. Within that which you define as the 'Self'.
As an Intuitive Integrated Conscious Healer, I work with 'Breath' known by many names life force, Athma, Chi, Ki etc; I acknowledge it as 'Shakti' the "Divine Mother" for She is the universal nurturing Mother Energy in all. One can feel the connectedness consciously, as to each one the gratitude expressed are validated through our actions. Her love is ever flowing from Her being, She is ever gracious a Host to us, giving unconditionally of Her motherly love, wisdom and intuition.
To Understand Her is to experience Her consciously, Her impartial love is what sustains all life forms within the womb of "Mother Earth". Meditation and Yoga combined uses a disciplined systematic approach that empowers a student to greater understanding their own unique nature as it focuses on the five elemental qualities that combine to create balance through all levels of existence
physical, mental and spiritual. Utilizing a holistic approach, this body/mind science examines a personâ??s individual constitution, life style and health issues. Using a combination of healing techniques that may include various alternative therapies available to restore balance to the system.
"Learning is a continuous process, It begins in the womb when you take physicality and ends not in the grave".
For further details feel free to contact me.

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Califonia Institute of Metaphysical Research 1997

Metaphysical Sciences and Alternative Therapy Ph. D

Swami Vivekananda Yogic Shikshana Kendra 2005

Reiki Master Degree

Basic Center For Human Excellence 2006

Mpower Self Personality Development

Institute of Mind Control & Development 2008

Self Improvement Hypnosis & NLP

All India Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation 2010

Guru Master Chao Kok Sui

Alison Advance Learning 2013

Advance Diploma Health Sciences

St Maria Montessori Kindergarten & Nursery Teacher Training Institute 2014

Diploma in Montessori Kindergarten & Nursery Teachers Training


Bogadi, Mysore, India - 570026

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Spiritual Workshop classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Spiritual Workshop classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Spiritual Workshop classes

Intuitive, or metaphysical, healing (the terms can be used interchangeably), refers to the relationship between our emotions and physical body. The two are not disconnected, but actually interact continuously on an energetic level. Physical symptoms, discomforts and illnesses all share emotional counterparts. The conduit between them is elastic and accessible. We can use our minds and thought patterns to access this conduit. This is the domain of metaphysical healing. Until you learn how to harness this energy and “mind-set” personally, an Intuitive healer can help guide you. As an Intuitive Life Coach, I work with all the subtle bodies i.e. the etheric,mental, emotional and physical. When clients come to see me, I listen to them with my intellect as well my intuition, a potent form of inner wisdom not always understood by the rational mind. Accessible to all, it's a still, small voice inside-an unflinching truth-teller committed to our well-being. Sometimes I experience it as guidance from within. In some cases a snap-shot-like flash., Whatever the form, it is always imparted from the “Collective Consciousness” keeping a steady eye on our bodies and spirits, letting us know if something is out of sync The of intuition is that it insists you live in the moment with no expectations, a continuing freshness. Intuition is our birthright, available to everyone. To access it, I've developed five steps connectivity that can be applied to any issue you'll ever confront from healing your body alignment. For More Info: Visit: Website: www.chatsophia.org

Diet and Nutrition classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Diet and Nutrition classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Diet and Nutrition classes

I have been teaching on one to one and in workshops in regard to preventive health, incorporating a change in lifestyle when it comes to eating healthy. I have been teaching for the past five years in the field of health and diet. My teaching style involves assessment of the individual health state, and highly recommend that they have their medical reports for my assessment. Evaluation of the current lifestyle and creating awareness to their incorporating a healthy lifestyle and habits. My experience with various age groups, in the obese and ailments as it has helped me to understand better the tailor made diets and classes creating awareness for the different age groups. My accomplishments have been to see that the students are aware of the impacts that change in their healthy lifestyle is a committed one that requires their full participation and responsibility in their own lives . I usually use audio, visual materials and practical classes. I am dedicated to my work and follow up with my clients, with updates.

Special Education (Mental Retardation) Classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Special Education (Mental Retardation) Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Special Education (Mental Retardation) Classes

Although mental retardation is commonly used, other terms are used to describe this condition, including intellectual disability, cognitive disability, mental deficiency, mental sub normality, mentally handicapped, or intellectually challenged. Mental retardation is also referred to as one type of the more general term, developmental disability I prefer to work on one to one with the challenged family and child. As its only after assessment can I devise the necessary learning methods and teach same to the family. For further queries contact me

Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities) Classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities) Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities) Classes

Emotional/Behavioral Disability (E/BD) A student /adult with an emotional/behavioral disability has persistent (is not sufficiently responsive to implemented evidence based interventions) and consistent emotional or behavioral responses that adversely affect performance in the educational environment that cannot be attributed to age, culture, gender, or ethnicity. I work with individuals on a one to one and the family for further queries contact me. Personality Development Personality Development quintessentially means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be developed, polished and refined. This process includes boosting one’s confidence, improving communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine netiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbibing oneself with positive, liveliness and peace. The whole process of this development takes place over a period of time. Even though there are many crash courses in personality development that are made available to people of all age groups, implementing this to your routine and bringing about a positive change in oneself takes a considerable amount of time. Personality development is gaining more and more importance because it enables people to create a good impression about themselves on others; it helps them to build and develop relationships, helps in your career growth and also helps to improve your financial needs. After all, personality development is nothing but a tool that helps you realize your capabilities and your strengths making you a stronger, a happier and a cheerful person. For more queries contact me for one to one classes or workshops.

Special Education (Slow Learners) Classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Special Education (Slow Learners) Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Special Education (Slow Learners) Classes

It so important to be able to identify the slow learners in a class as opposed to those children with specific learning disabilities? After all, we have had the ill effects of labeling stressed on Everybody knows the old self-fulfilling prophecy experiments from college days. What you expect to get is exactly what you will get. Social justice and inclusive curriculum advances have also contributed to our awareness and sometimes even our wariness of special needs children. There is only ever one justification to labeling a child with a specific tag. That is to ensure that the level of service and support provided to that child is markedly improved. As the learning needs of these two groups are quite different, it is important to make correct identification for programming needs. I usually assess the child and find the method of teaching that is best for the child's learning capability. For further queries contact me.

Pranic Healing classes

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Years of Experience in Pranic Healing classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Pranic Healing classes

All India Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation Pranic Healing Pranic Healing® is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says "Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings." Pranic Healing® requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is not required because the practitioner is working on the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic Healing® works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body. This pervasive energy that surrounds, interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances. Swami Vivekananda Yogic Shikshana Kendra Reiki Master USUI A Reiki treatment consists of laying the hands on the body in a prescribed pattern and allowing the energy of life to flow through the hands to the person being treated. The basic element of life energy is the essence of this healing practice. Because this is so, Reiki can be used in any situation where there is a desire for and openness to healing. Culturally, we know little about this element of life energy. It is in the practice of the art, consciously being with this energy, that we learn more and become more aware. The form of treatment is simple while comprehensive. The basis of the practice is self-treatment and treatment of others within the realm of family and friends. The student learns the technique for self-treatment, treatment of others, and for first aid applications. Beginning students have the capacity to give a good treatment.

Holistic Healing classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Holistic Healing classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Holistic Healing classes

I started pursuing my interest in holistic healing as to find an alternative approach towards health. I have 20 years experience in the field of alternative therapy. I find that the more awareness is created on the subject a more positive attitude is appreciated towards incorporating it into ones life. The style of teaching always connects ones mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body. Its never about ones faith or beliefs, its more about one wanting to improve on their lives. The subjects and topics that are most accepted is addressing the vast spectrum of cultures, has made it easy to work with different age groups and this is a great learning exposure of experience to both the teacher and student. I prefer to use the available revised updates on learning materials available and easily accessible for the students which is audio, visual and kinesthetic learning techniques. For further queries contact me.

Meditation classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Meditation classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Meditation classes

Meditation is a process and not a one fit all technique, in my experience it's relevant to understand the requirements of the student wanting to take up meditation. In this class you get to first identify your intention, whether it's for health, relaxation, spiritual or to help you with mastering control in your day to day life. The different areas to be determined by those choosing this class, is to first have clarity of time factor and commitment. In most cases people expect that just trying out a technique will in itself just deliver the requited results. In this class you will understand the process entailed on the following : 1. how to quiten the Mind 2. How to breath consciously 3. How to apply proactive decisions in any Area of your life 4. Managing and dealing with anger and stress 5. Working with the Divine Energy.

Reviews (14)

4.8 out of 5 14 reviews

Patricia P. https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/1892822-small.png Bogadi
Patricia P.

Pranic Healing

"Patricia has a great knowledge on Meditation and Spirituality. She is a very grounded person in touch with her inner spiritual self. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Patricia P.

Diet and Nutrition

"Patricia is very good at what she does. If you need to know about health issues, she is good in offering solutions to your problems and very accurate advise. Patricia is Good at she can help you over come problems in which we face in our every day lives, she has helped me in many ways and is always there for me in any Difficult time. I recommend her as anything you ask her, you will not be disappointed so what you waiting for give it a try get in touch with her now. Thanks Patricia. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Patricia P.

Diet and Nutrition

"Ms. Patricia is a very spiritually enlightened person offering genuine service in holistic healing and wellness, health and nutrition. I fondly recommend her services to everybody who is looking for professional guidance, self-awareness and self-empowerment. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Patricia P.

Holistic Healing

"Patricia is an incredible healer, advisor, intuitive counselor and spot on accuracy on all issues especially family related matters. She has many times saved me from bad decisions. known her over 20 years. She is amazing and grateful for her aid. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Have you attended any class with Patricia?


1. Which classes do you teach?

I teach Diet and Nutrition, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Pranic Healing, Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities), Special Education (Mental Retardation), Special Education (Slow Learners) and Spiritual Workshop Classes.

2. Do you provide a demo class?

No, I don't provide a demo class.

3. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 10 years.

Lessons (2)

Road Less Traveled Within

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We must walk the path.- Buddha What is holding you from stepping into your power? If there is one thing that excites me more than anything...

1 0
Clearing Energy Centers

0 0

Answers by Patricia (4)

Answered on 05/09/2016 Learn Spirituality and Mind/Spiritual Workshop

Laxmiprasad fear is one aspect that can deter one from their objective focus in any area of life. Best you review where your fears are coming from, review your objective goal and aim and rewrite your interest in any given area of your future endeavors. Choose a career oriented with your passion, as it... ...more
Laxmiprasad fear is one aspect that can deter one from their objective focus in any area of life. Best you review where your fears are coming from, review your objective goal and aim and rewrite your interest in any given area of your future endeavors. Choose a career oriented with your passion, as it will lead you to your future knowing that what you enjoy doing has no fear.
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Answered on 28/02/2016 Learn Spirituality and Mind/Spiritual Workshop

Sutapa, science and spiritual concept are a flip of a coin. Concepts only differ from the perspective of proof and applied techniques that are applied by an individual. Universe is considered science, yet at the same time spiritualist look to the universe within the self in relation to being one with... ...more
Sutapa, science and spiritual concept are a flip of a coin. Concepts only differ from the perspective of proof and applied techniques that are applied by an individual. Universe is considered science, yet at the same time spiritualist look to the universe within the self in relation to being one with the universe.
Answers 15 Comments
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Answered on 19/02/2016 Learn Health and Medical/Alternative Therapy/Reiki

Megha a healer always knows that the universal healing energy is every flowing from the intent to heal. One does not go out looking for someone to heal or place to practice your skills. Do continue to work faith in knowing and trusting that the same healing can be given to the plant and animal kingdom... ...more
Megha a healer always knows that the universal healing energy is every flowing from the intent to heal. One does not go out looking for someone to heal or place to practice your skills. Do continue to work faith in knowing and trusting that the same healing can be given to the plant and animal kingdom with empathy. The universe responds to energy from intention.
Answers 20 Comments
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Answered on 19/02/2016 Learn Health and Medical/Alternative Therapy/Holistic Healing

Chakra activaon has been the main focus for all students who are curious to jump lanes. It takes is important that one is a trained Reiki or pranic healer and understands the pro and cons of what t he chakras are. They are energy centers that require intense study and discipline of the student and one... ...more
Chakra activaon has been the main focus for all students who are curious to jump lanes. It takes is important that one is a trained Reiki or pranic healer and understands the pro and cons of what t he chakras are. They are energy centers that require intense study and discipline of the student and one should not attempt to try the techniques without proper guidance and initiation from a learned experience Guru, Master or Teacher.
Answers 10 Comments
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Spiritual Workshop classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Spiritual Workshop classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Spiritual Workshop classes

Intuitive, or metaphysical, healing (the terms can be used interchangeably), refers to the relationship between our emotions and physical body. The two are not disconnected, but actually interact continuously on an energetic level. Physical symptoms, discomforts and illnesses all share emotional counterparts. The conduit between them is elastic and accessible. We can use our minds and thought patterns to access this conduit. This is the domain of metaphysical healing. Until you learn how to harness this energy and “mind-set” personally, an Intuitive healer can help guide you. As an Intuitive Life Coach, I work with all the subtle bodies i.e. the etheric,mental, emotional and physical. When clients come to see me, I listen to them with my intellect as well my intuition, a potent form of inner wisdom not always understood by the rational mind. Accessible to all, it's a still, small voice inside-an unflinching truth-teller committed to our well-being. Sometimes I experience it as guidance from within. In some cases a snap-shot-like flash., Whatever the form, it is always imparted from the “Collective Consciousness” keeping a steady eye on our bodies and spirits, letting us know if something is out of sync The of intuition is that it insists you live in the moment with no expectations, a continuing freshness. Intuition is our birthright, available to everyone. To access it, I've developed five steps connectivity that can be applied to any issue you'll ever confront from healing your body alignment. For More Info: Visit: Website: www.chatsophia.org

Diet and Nutrition classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Diet and Nutrition classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Diet and Nutrition classes

I have been teaching on one to one and in workshops in regard to preventive health, incorporating a change in lifestyle when it comes to eating healthy. I have been teaching for the past five years in the field of health and diet. My teaching style involves assessment of the individual health state, and highly recommend that they have their medical reports for my assessment. Evaluation of the current lifestyle and creating awareness to their incorporating a healthy lifestyle and habits. My experience with various age groups, in the obese and ailments as it has helped me to understand better the tailor made diets and classes creating awareness for the different age groups. My accomplishments have been to see that the students are aware of the impacts that change in their healthy lifestyle is a committed one that requires their full participation and responsibility in their own lives . I usually use audio, visual materials and practical classes. I am dedicated to my work and follow up with my clients, with updates.

Special Education (Mental Retardation) Classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Special Education (Mental Retardation) Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Special Education (Mental Retardation) Classes

Although mental retardation is commonly used, other terms are used to describe this condition, including intellectual disability, cognitive disability, mental deficiency, mental sub normality, mentally handicapped, or intellectually challenged. Mental retardation is also referred to as one type of the more general term, developmental disability I prefer to work on one to one with the challenged family and child. As its only after assessment can I devise the necessary learning methods and teach same to the family. For further queries contact me

Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities) Classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities) Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Special Education (Behavioral Disabilities) Classes

Emotional/Behavioral Disability (E/BD) A student /adult with an emotional/behavioral disability has persistent (is not sufficiently responsive to implemented evidence based interventions) and consistent emotional or behavioral responses that adversely affect performance in the educational environment that cannot be attributed to age, culture, gender, or ethnicity. I work with individuals on a one to one and the family for further queries contact me. Personality Development Personality Development quintessentially means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be developed, polished and refined. This process includes boosting one’s confidence, improving communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine netiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbibing oneself with positive, liveliness and peace. The whole process of this development takes place over a period of time. Even though there are many crash courses in personality development that are made available to people of all age groups, implementing this to your routine and bringing about a positive change in oneself takes a considerable amount of time. Personality development is gaining more and more importance because it enables people to create a good impression about themselves on others; it helps them to build and develop relationships, helps in your career growth and also helps to improve your financial needs. After all, personality development is nothing but a tool that helps you realize your capabilities and your strengths making you a stronger, a happier and a cheerful person. For more queries contact me for one to one classes or workshops.

Special Education (Slow Learners) Classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Special Education (Slow Learners) Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Special Education (Slow Learners) Classes

It so important to be able to identify the slow learners in a class as opposed to those children with specific learning disabilities? After all, we have had the ill effects of labeling stressed on Everybody knows the old self-fulfilling prophecy experiments from college days. What you expect to get is exactly what you will get. Social justice and inclusive curriculum advances have also contributed to our awareness and sometimes even our wariness of special needs children. There is only ever one justification to labeling a child with a specific tag. That is to ensure that the level of service and support provided to that child is markedly improved. As the learning needs of these two groups are quite different, it is important to make correct identification for programming needs. I usually assess the child and find the method of teaching that is best for the child's learning capability. For further queries contact me.

Pranic Healing classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Pranic Healing classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Pranic Healing classes

All India Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation Pranic Healing Pranic Healing® is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says "Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings." Pranic Healing® requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is not required because the practitioner is working on the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic Healing® works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body. This pervasive energy that surrounds, interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances. Swami Vivekananda Yogic Shikshana Kendra Reiki Master USUI A Reiki treatment consists of laying the hands on the body in a prescribed pattern and allowing the energy of life to flow through the hands to the person being treated. The basic element of life energy is the essence of this healing practice. Because this is so, Reiki can be used in any situation where there is a desire for and openness to healing. Culturally, we know little about this element of life energy. It is in the practice of the art, consciously being with this energy, that we learn more and become more aware. The form of treatment is simple while comprehensive. The basis of the practice is self-treatment and treatment of others within the realm of family and friends. The student learns the technique for self-treatment, treatment of others, and for first aid applications. Beginning students have the capacity to give a good treatment.

Holistic Healing classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Holistic Healing classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Holistic Healing classes

I started pursuing my interest in holistic healing as to find an alternative approach towards health. I have 20 years experience in the field of alternative therapy. I find that the more awareness is created on the subject a more positive attitude is appreciated towards incorporating it into ones life. The style of teaching always connects ones mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body. Its never about ones faith or beliefs, its more about one wanting to improve on their lives. The subjects and topics that are most accepted is addressing the vast spectrum of cultures, has made it easy to work with different age groups and this is a great learning exposure of experience to both the teacher and student. I prefer to use the available revised updates on learning materials available and easily accessible for the students which is audio, visual and kinesthetic learning techniques. For further queries contact me.

Meditation classes

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in Meditation classes


Teaching Experience in detail in Meditation classes

Meditation is a process and not a one fit all technique, in my experience it's relevant to understand the requirements of the student wanting to take up meditation. In this class you get to first identify your intention, whether it's for health, relaxation, spiritual or to help you with mastering control in your day to day life. The different areas to be determined by those choosing this class, is to first have clarity of time factor and commitment. In most cases people expect that just trying out a technique will in itself just deliver the requited results. In this class you will understand the process entailed on the following : 1. how to quiten the Mind 2. How to breath consciously 3. How to apply proactive decisions in any Area of your life 4. Managing and dealing with anger and stress 5. Working with the Divine Energy.

4.8 out of 5 14 reviews

Patricia P.

Pranic Healing

"Patricia has a great knowledge on Meditation and Spirituality. She is a very grounded person in touch with her inner spiritual self. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Patricia P.

Diet and Nutrition

"Patricia is very good at what she does. If you need to know about health issues, she is good in offering solutions to your problems and very accurate advise. Patricia is Good at she can help you over come problems in which we face in our every day lives, she has helped me in many ways and is always there for me in any Difficult time. I recommend her as anything you ask her, you will not be disappointed so what you waiting for give it a try get in touch with her now. Thanks Patricia. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Patricia P.

Diet and Nutrition

"Ms. Patricia is a very spiritually enlightened person offering genuine service in holistic healing and wellness, health and nutrition. I fondly recommend her services to everybody who is looking for professional guidance, self-awareness and self-empowerment. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

Patricia P.

Holistic Healing

"Patricia is an incredible healer, advisor, intuitive counselor and spot on accuracy on all issues especially family related matters. She has many times saved me from bad decisions. known her over 20 years. She is amazing and grateful for her aid. "

Reply by Patricia

Thankful, appreciate your valuable review.

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Have you attended any class with Patricia?

Answers by Patricia P. (4)

Answered on 05/09/2016 Learn Spirituality and Mind/Spiritual Workshop

Laxmiprasad fear is one aspect that can deter one from their objective focus in any area of life. Best you review where your fears are coming from, review your objective goal and aim and rewrite your interest in any given area of your future endeavors. Choose a career oriented with your passion, as it... ...more
Laxmiprasad fear is one aspect that can deter one from their objective focus in any area of life. Best you review where your fears are coming from, review your objective goal and aim and rewrite your interest in any given area of your future endeavors. Choose a career oriented with your passion, as it will lead you to your future knowing that what you enjoy doing has no fear.
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Answered on 28/02/2016 Learn Spirituality and Mind/Spiritual Workshop

Sutapa, science and spiritual concept are a flip of a coin. Concepts only differ from the perspective of proof and applied techniques that are applied by an individual. Universe is considered science, yet at the same time spiritualist look to the universe within the self in relation to being one with... ...more
Sutapa, science and spiritual concept are a flip of a coin. Concepts only differ from the perspective of proof and applied techniques that are applied by an individual. Universe is considered science, yet at the same time spiritualist look to the universe within the self in relation to being one with the universe.
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Answered on 19/02/2016 Learn Health and Medical/Alternative Therapy/Reiki

Megha a healer always knows that the universal healing energy is every flowing from the intent to heal. One does not go out looking for someone to heal or place to practice your skills. Do continue to work faith in knowing and trusting that the same healing can be given to the plant and animal kingdom... ...more
Megha a healer always knows that the universal healing energy is every flowing from the intent to heal. One does not go out looking for someone to heal or place to practice your skills. Do continue to work faith in knowing and trusting that the same healing can be given to the plant and animal kingdom with empathy. The universe responds to energy from intention.
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Answered on 19/02/2016 Learn Health and Medical/Alternative Therapy/Holistic Healing

Chakra activaon has been the main focus for all students who are curious to jump lanes. It takes is important that one is a trained Reiki or pranic healer and understands the pro and cons of what t he chakras are. They are energy centers that require intense study and discipline of the student and one... ...more
Chakra activaon has been the main focus for all students who are curious to jump lanes. It takes is important that one is a trained Reiki or pranic healer and understands the pro and cons of what t he chakras are. They are energy centers that require intense study and discipline of the student and one should not attempt to try the techniques without proper guidance and initiation from a learned experience Guru, Master or Teacher.
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Road Less Traveled Within

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We must walk the path.- Buddha What is holding you from stepping into your power? If there is one thing that excites me more than anything...

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Patricia P. describes herself as Life Coach. She conducts classes in Diet and Nutrition, Holistic Healing and Meditation. Patricia is located in Bogadi, Mysore. Patricia takes Online Classes- via online medium. She has 20 years of teaching experience . Patricia has completed Metaphysical Sciences and Alternative Therapy Ph. D from Califonia Institute of Metaphysical Research in 1997. She is well versed in English. Patricia has got 14 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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