The principles and practice of yoga are in great demand for the effective stress management. Yoga is also useful in the prevention of the many of the psychosomatic disieases which are mainly resulting from chronic stress and poor lifestyle along with lack of discipline in the food habits
The philosophical perspectives are outlined in the Ashtanga yoga. It is the classical curriculum of principles, practices and techniques which are useful forthe stress management.
The principles of Social code of conduct bring the harmony of the self and the society in order to regulate the proper behavior. The Personal observances are used to bring the purification of the mind and discipline for bringing the calmness for keeping the emotional stability. The practice of Asana and Pranayama purify the mind and body and establish the sense of harmony. The higher Yoga practices of Prathyahara,Dharana andDhyana contributes for the mental peace and inner harmony along with the best performance of the cognitive capabilities such as concentration, attention and memory. The regular practice of these practices promotes the positive physical and mental health and prevents the psychosomatic diseases.