Course Contents -
- Sitting posture - Padmasan, Sidhasan, Vajrasan..
- Pranayam, Anulome Vilome, Chandra bhedi pranayam, Surya bhedi pranayam..
- KapalBhati, Bhastrika, Bhramri, Udgeet
-Moolbandh, Uddiyan Bandh, Jalandhar Bandh.
- Meditation, Process of meditation, Anteh Tratak/Gazing
- Om chanting and meaning of OM
- Introduction to Yog sutra of Maharishi Patanjali
- Rajyoga, Dhyanyoga, Ashtang yoga
- Yem, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyan, Samadhi.
- Know the real meaning of Yoga and Meditaion
- Meditation for Students to increase concentration
- Introduction to Kundlini
Timing - 6.00 AM to 9.00 AM
Monday to Saturday One hour daily
Fees : 2000 - One month course
10000 - Two month course
Note – Please make enquiry only when you are really wants to do the course and willing to pay the fees mentioned above.
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Course Contents -
- Sitting posture - Padmasan, Sidhasan, Vajrasan..
- Pranayam, Anulome Vilome, Chandra bhedi pranayam, Surya bhedi pranayam..
- KapalBhati, Bhastrika, Bhramri, Udgeet
-Moolbandh, Uddiyan Bandh, Jalandhar Bandh.
- Meditation, Process of meditation, Anteh Tratak/Gazing
- Om chanting and meaning of OM
- Introduction to Yog sutra of Maharishi Patanjali
- Rajyoga, Dhyanyoga, Ashtang yoga
- Yem, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyan, Samadhi.
- Know the real meaning of Yoga and Meditaion
- Meditation for Students to increase concentration
- Introduction to Kundlini
- Meaning of Samadhi
- Various Types of Samadhi
- Chakra Meditation/ Chakra Balancing
- Detail Knowledge of Yogsutra of Patanjali
- Introduction to Indian Philosophy