The class will teach you how to differentiate between benign and malignant lesion
Nomenclature of all kinds of tumors
Tips to remember names of tumors and their mode of spreading in body
What is replication pool
How a lesion turn into malignancy
The pathway and genetic changes at molecular levels, molecular basis of cancer
Sentinal lymph nodes, what are they, examples, significance
Examples of teratoma, what is Teratoma, Hamartoma etc with help of examples and pictures to understand the things better
Little about origin of tumors, necessary investigation to be performed and of course the outcome then
How to write answers to various questions on these topics and necessary tables or diagrams to be drawn
Also if any querries will be solved then and there only
Also what all general pathology covers and how to plan the syllabus
Where pneumonics are necessary and concepts to clear
Hoping to make pathology fun.