this topic is for MBBS students ( 2nd and final year)
Status epilepticus is a common clinical emergency faced by interns and commonly asked essay question and viva question in exams. after the class, you will be able to understand the urgency involved in recognizing and treating this condition. it is also useful for interns as the class is more about bedside evaluation and management of status epilepticus. I have divided the topic into various headings - definition( original as well as newerones), types, epidemiology, clinical features, etiology, evaluation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications & outcome and treatment. I also have included flowchart in order to triage patients for treatment purpose. I have included few pictures to show seizure semiology and EEG graph to give idea to students about the actual seizure clinical features so that they can use it while taking history. lastly, it is definitely helpful for you people to write your answers.