This 4 months course is for students who've completed the beginners course and are flexible enough to experiment with slightly complex asanas.
In this course along with our basic set of asanas we introduce students to pranayama and variations to most basic asanas that makes yoga interesting and exciting! After the student has done his ground work in the beginners course they flow through asanas with ease and joy.
Here the students get to enjoy their body flexibility and body balance while experimenting with new asanas while flowing through the vinyasa.
After experiencing weight loss and fitness, students experience their immunity improve drastically. They experience mindfulness throughout the day.
The flow of the asanas are as follows
1. Starting prayer
2. Kapalabhati
3. Anuloma Viloma
4. Sun Salutations (108 every Sundays & on sankrantis)
5. Single leg raises
6. Double leg raises
7. Headstand
8. Shoulder stand (variations)
9. Plough & knee to ear
10. Bridge & Wheel
11. Fish
12. Sitting forward bend (variations)
13. Inclined plane
14. Cobra
15. Locust
16. Bow
17. Half\full spinal twist
18. Crow
19. Standing forward bend
20. Triangle
21. Relaxation (yoga nidra)
22. Final Prayer