Boot Camp: A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class that combines cardio and strength exercises. Pilates: A low-impact class that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and body control.
Cardio workout
Examples: Brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis and jumping rope. Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is the kind that doctors have in mind when they recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity.
Strength training
Strength training builds it back. Regular strength training will help you feel more confident and capable of daily tasks
balance training
Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright, including your legs and core. These kinds of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls. Doing balance exercises can be intense, like some very challenging yoga poses.
Cardiovascular endurance
Cardiovascular endurance, or aerobic fitness, is how well your heart and lungs can supply the oxygen you need while you exercise at medium to high intensity. If you have good cardiovascular endurance, you can exercise at medium intensity for a long time (and high intensity for a while) before it makes you tired.