YOGA as it has mostly been misunderstood is not something we do at specific time of the day, infact it can be inculcated into every thing that we do like waking up, drinking water, eating food or breathing.
Yoga helps us to fine tune these aspects so our body and mind aligns with the nature and functions effectively.
There are simple steps which you can follow like the positioning of your tip of tongue while drinking water or eating food which helps in better digestion, better sleep and feeling energetic. The simple methods taught in this course can be followed at your work ,home ,schools or college as it doesn't involve any kind of asanas , but just the way you position your tongue and the amount you take in.
The advanced form of this particular technique done during meditation is called as Kechari Mudra.
Beginners to advanced practitioners can follow it and helps to maximise the output from your daily practices.