- Understanding the forum
- Expectations of the participants
- Role of BA
- What is User stories
- Requirement gathering techniques
- Prioritization of USs Techniques
- Agile Fundamentals
- Scrum Cycle
- Questions/Answers
By the end of the session, you will gain clarity on the topics below :
1. What is BA and how anyone can become a BA.
2. How agile project works and how it is taken forward with the help of team members.
3. What is Agile? What is scrum?
4. Roles, ceremonies/events, artefacts of scrum methodology.
5. What is project management?
6. What affects the delivery of the project?
Understand the tools and techniques used in business analytics planning and monitoring.
Master the concepts of requirements life cycle management.
Gain fundamental knowledge of the agile perspective. Learn to analyze data and become proficient in building interactive dashboards.
You can also develop the skills required to construct interactive dashboards, gain insight into the preparation and tracking of business analysis, understand a business analyst's skills, master Agile Scrum methodologies, and learn how to work with SQL databases.