What is Business Analysis - Understand the roles and responsiblities to help you relate your skills with the ask of the role and gauge your fitment
Understand relevance of this role in current market
Understand the job security when done rightly
Traits Required - Presentation skills, Understanding of Agile Framework, Communication with Stakeholders and with Development Team.
Negotiation Skills form an important part of this role. They are required to negotiate all the time. Sometimes with Stakeholders in terms of deliverables and clear requirements and at other times with developers to get the maximum value as output
Requirement Management - Product Backlog Grooming, Conduct refinement activities, Drafting of Epics, Features and linking of the User stories, User Story Writing, Accepting or rejecting the User stories, User Acceptance Testing
Business Analyst to Product Owner: Tips to be a Pro Business Analyst
Tools - Min tools to get familiar
Field challenges and how to overcome them