One should be simple, which means transparent. If I have still strong, lingering attachment to
sense gratification, then we should be transparent about it: this is my problem. Please, with the
mercy of the Vaishnavas, I may overcome this problem.
But if one is like the hunter, who was permitted by the king to hunt in the royal forest, but he was told, leave the foxes alone, because the foxes were meant for being pursued by the king. But the hunter caught a fox in his trap, and he was thinking: “fox fur is very nice. It will fetch a good price. Somehow it came into my trap, I will keep it.” just when he took out the struggling fox from his trap, he heard the sound of horses. The king and the soldiers were riding up. So he put the fox under his coat and buttoned his coat up. then the king rode up and stopped before the hunter and said: “good day, hunter, how are you?” “oh, I am very well, your majesty.” “and how are things in the forest?” “oh, everything is all right.” “Have you seen any wild boar?” “no, I didn't see any wild boar today.” so the king engaged the hunter in conversation and the hunter was acting as if everything was all right. And finally, after many minutes the king turned to his soldiers and said: “well, we should be going. so good day hunter.”
As soon as the king was out of sight, the hunter fell into two pieces. While he had been talking to the king in this way, the fox had been eating through the middle of his body. And then he fell into two pieces. This is duplicitousness.” one button up the coat: “everything is all right.” this is how one gets defeated on the path of spiritual advancement. Not by the fact that we have some lingering attachment for sense gratification because for that we have the cure which has to be taken straightforwardly.