Want to find UNIQUE Values in a Dataset/Range?
By using an Option that is Flexible and Quick.
You should find the Advance Filter option helpful.
Q) But, Advance Filter is used for filter-ing?
A) Correct.
But, besides Advance Filter-ing capabilities, Advance Filter provides the option to filter Unique Values.
Q) How to find Unique Values using Advance Filter option?
A) Step 1: Click on Data tab
Step 2: In Sort & Filter group
Click on Advanced
An advanced Filter dialogue box will open:
- Feed required information OR Select required options
- As highlighted in the following screenshot, select Unique Records only to find Unique Records.
- Click on OK
e.g.1) Consider the following sample dataset:
Note: Entries in blue colour are duplicate entries
Result: Please refer the following screenshot for Result after applying Unique Records only.
Note: Criteria range was kept empty and hence, Unique Records here means - value in each cell in a Row should match with value in each cell in another Row.
*out of 7 entries in blue colour, 4 duplicate entries are filtered-out and only 3 entries remain
e.g. 2) For the above original dataset, criteria range is as follows:
Result: after applying Unique Records only, the result is as follows: