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Recently posted UGC NET Tutors Jobs in Mathura. Signup to apply
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Nandani C.
Mathura City, Mathura
Immediately, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Hindi, Logical Reasoning, Paper II / Paper III, Communication
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Souvir S.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Immediately, Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, People and Environment, Philosophy, Communication, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Need Online UGC NET Tutors for Teaching Aptitude
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Piyush S.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
English, Within a month, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Ritika
Ronchi Bangar, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel
Not sure, just want to look at options, Chemistry, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Paper II / Paper III, Communication
Immediately Want UGC NET Tutors for Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Shweta
Bhainsa, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel
Immediately, Paper I, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Hindi, Paper II / Paper III
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Madhuri G.
Sonkh, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Immediately, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Management, Paper II / Paper III, Communication
Reading Comprehension/Communication/Teaching Aptitude UGC NET Tutors
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Kajal K.
Baldeo, Mathura, Institute or Coaching Center
Within a month, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Communication
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Kajal K.
Baldeo, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel
Within a month, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Paper II / Paper III, Computer Science and Applications, Communication
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Kajal K.
Baldeo, Mathura, Institute or Coaching Center
Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, Within a month, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, People and Environment, Environmental Sciences, Communication, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Online Visual Art, Sanskrit, Women Studies UGC NET Tutors
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Vinayak C.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Geography, Law, Psychology, Data Interpretation, Commerce, Indian Culture, Paper II / Paper III, History, Electronic Science, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Education, Hindi, Logical Reasoning, Tribal and Regional Language/Literature, International and Area Studies, Social Work, Economics, Population Studies, Tourism Administration and Management, Visual Art, Business Studies, Arab Culture and Islamic Studies, Chemistry, Home Science, Reading Comprehension, Philosophy, Criminology, Peace Studies, Paper I, Anthropology, Physical Education, Mathematics, Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Andragogy/ Non Formal Education, Forensic Science, Defence and Strategic Studies, Archaeology, Within a month, Hindustani Music (Vocal/Instrumental), Sociology, Museology & Conservation, Linguistics, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Public Administration, Environmental Sciences, Communication, Mass Communication and Journalism, Teaching Aptitude, Women Studies, Management, Statistics, Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management, Physics, Computer Science and Applications, Political Science, Folk Literature, Library and Information Science, English, Human Rights and Duties, Music, Social Medicine & Community Health, Research Aptitude, People and Environment, Sanskrit, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Lal S.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, Within a month, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Sociology, Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, People and Environment, Communication, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Online UGC NET Tutors for Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Kapil S.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Not sure, just want to look at options, Paper I, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration
Urgently Require Online UGC NET Tutors
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Arti C.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Immediately, Paper I, Paper II / Paper III
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Poonam
Mathura, Mathura, My Home
Paper I, Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Sagar S.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Commerce, Paper II / Paper III
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Ashish
Aurangabad, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel
Economics, Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, People and Environment, Logical Reasoning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Communication
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Usha C.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, English, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Hindi, People and Environment, Logical Reasoning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Communication
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Chhaya
Mathura, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel, Institute or Coaching Center, My Home
Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Comparative Literature, Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation, Teaching Aptitude, Paper I, Research Aptitude, Commerce, Logical Reasoning, Paper II / Paper III, Communication, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Urgently Looking for UGC NET Tutors
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Surbhi S.
Arya Samaj Road, Mathura, Institute or Coaching Center
Immediately, Paper I
Need UGC NET Tutors for Geography
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Rahul
Satoha, Mathura, I am Willing to Travel, My Home, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Geography, Paper II / Paper III
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Monika S.
Mathura, Mathura, Institute or Coaching Center
Immediately, Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Management, Paper II / Paper III, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, People and Environment, Logical Reasoning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Communication
Looking for Online UGC NET Tutors
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Shiva G.
Online, Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)
Population Studies, Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, Statistics, Not sure, just want to look at options, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, People and Environment, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Communication
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by SHWETA Y.
Vrindaban, Mathura, My Home
Geography, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Commerce, Anthropology, Mathematics, Paper II / Paper III, History, Computer Science and Applications, Defence and Strategic Studies, English, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Education, Reading Comprehension, Research Aptitude, Hindi, Communication
Immediately Need UGC NET Tutors for Commerce
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Shivani
Mathura City, Mathura, Institute or Coaching Center
Immediately, Data Interpretation, Teaching Aptitude, Paper I, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Commerce, Logical Reasoning, Paper II / Paper III
Looking for UGC NET Tutors for Education
UGC NET Exam Coaching Teacher Job by Saddam h.
Beri, Mathura, Institute or Coaching Center
Data Interpretation, Paper I, Teaching Aptitude, Paper II / Paper III, Not sure, just want to look at options, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Education, Reading Comprehension, Higher Education system: Governance, Policy and Administration, Research Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, People and Environment, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Communication
Average salary for each UGC NET Tutors Job near me in Mathura is ₹ 4,800- ₹6,000 per month. You can take up multiple UGC NET Tutors Jobs, where you teach multiple students, either 1-on-1 or in a Group class. Teaching 10 Students a month will allow you to earn ₹36,000 to ₹60,000 per month.
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