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UGC NET Exam 2019 - Schedule, Booking, Information, Checklist
UGC NET Exam Schedule
UGC Net Exam is scheduled twice a year. The first one is held in the month of December and second in the month of June. Organised by NTA, whose role is to hold UGC NET Exam and declare the results, the main motto behind conducting this exam is to hire meritorious candidates for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian Universities and colleges. The upcoming exam for UGC NET 2019 is scheduled to be held on June 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th. The last date for filling online application for the same was closed on 31st March 2019.
UGC NET Exam Booking
National Testing Agency (NTA) will release UGC NET application form filling date through advertisements. All interested candidates should apply for the exam before the last date to avoid any delay. Candidates will have to log on to the official website i.e, and on the home page, click on 'Fill Application Form - Server 1'. Enter all the required information and click on submit. Lastly, pay the registration fees and click the final submit button. Candidates should save the confirmation page and the application number that will be generated after the submission of the form. This number will be useful in future for logging in.
UGC NET Exam Information
Candidates should appear for the National Eligibility Test at their allotted UGC NET 2019 exam centre. UGC NET is a computer-based test that will consist of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II) containing objective-type multiple choice questions. The duration of paper-I is one hour and paper-II is two hours. Maximum marks that candidates can secure in paper-I, as well as II, are 100 and 200, respectively.
Candidates must note that it is mandatory for candidates to appear for both the papers in order to be eligible for JRF and Assistant Professor or Assistant Professor only.
UGC NET Exam Day Checklist
National Testing Agency has issued an advisory stating some guidelines for UGC NET aspirants. All candidates are recommended to read the advisory and instructions mentioned on the admit card carefully. Candidates can also go through instructions given below for better clarity.
UGC NET Exam Centres
The exam centre for UGC NET 2019 will be decided by the conducting authority i.e. National Testing Agency (NTA). UGC NET 2019 will be conducted in 83 cities (approx) across India. Candidates can choose any 3 preferred exam cities while filling the UGC NET 2019 Application Form. The seats will be allotted to the candidates based on the availability.
What to carry for UGC NET Exam
On the day of the exam, candidates must carry a few selected items inside the exam hall. Documents like Admit card, Passport size photo, a Valid ID Proof and original photo ID proof such as PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ E- Aadhaar/ Ration Card to the test centre. PwD certificate: Candidates who wish to claim relaxation under PwD category must carry their PwD certificate issued by the competent authority.
UGC NET 2019 is a computer-based exam so candidates carry a pen/ pencil to the exam centre for rough work to avoid any last minute hassle. UGC NET exam is very particular about the rules and regulations.
Candidates are not allowed to carry any instruments, metallic item or electronic gadgets/ devices like calculator, camera, mobile, earphones, tape recorder etc. to the exam hall. If there are any diabetic students they are allowed to carry eatables like sugar tablets, fruits and transparent water bottle to the exam hall as a special grant.
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