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Tell me about Yourself

Winston S.
11/09/2018 0 0

Tell me about yourself in the interview (Freshers)

Start with…



I am (your name)

Place: I am from (City)

If you are not living in the city you grew up you can mention:

I am from CITY A, but I am living in CITY B.

If one is a small town another is a big city, you can say –

“Though I am a small-town guy/girl, I am city-bred.”

And if it is relevant to your job mention how understanding a small town as well as city culture helps you perform better.

Qualification: I have completed my Masters in (Subject) and my bachelor’s degree in (Subject)

If Bachelors and Master degree are different fields, then please link them to the skills you bring to the employment.

For example, you can say:

I have completed my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Masters in MBA. And…

… It enables me to manage the analytic as well as Human / Management aspect of the role (I am applying for).

Project experience/work experience: Freshers talk about Projects and if you have experience then mention it

Projects: Mention goal of the project, where it was done (industry name and company name)

Mention the outcome of the project and specify YOUR contribution towards the overall project goal

Strengths -> analyse and list:

(such as….)

Analytical Thinking
Flexibility and Adaptability (Changing Environments)
Ability to Learn Programs and Processes
Extremely Good People Skills
Willingness to take on Responsibility
Devotion to Deadlines
Ability to Work Under Pressure
Ability to cope with failures and learn from mistakes
Ability to prioritise
Organisation and planning
Problem Solving
Soft skills
Work Ethic
Writing Skills
Attention to detail
Interpersonal skills
Organisation and planning

If you wish to tread carefully, you can say – my greatest strength is also my greatest weakness.

Role model (Who and Why?)

Think of people who embody the qualities that you most admire and that your future employer would value most.

Some of the qualities could include resilience, determination, integrity, intelligence, humour, kindness, selflessness.

You might also include exceptional achievement, strength or a fantastic work ethic.

You can choose either:

a public figure or a personal acquaintance (family, friend, parent etc.)

Explain WHY you look up to them and HOW they have influenced you either directly or indirectly!

Research Public figures and gives an overview of their achievements while focussing on the specific quality you admire.

Link it to your interview by explaining how you would demonstrate the attribute in your role

Family – Do not give too much information that the interviewer might not be interested in.

For example, you can state – we are a family of 5, where I am the eldest of my two siblings.

My parents are employed, and my Siblings are studying.

(Remember, this is one topic you don’t talk too much to bore the interviewer, just a short and sweet description is sufficient. )

If they ask additional questions, then you can analyse what their expectations are on the personal front and answer accordingly.

Short term goals – What you would like to achieve in the next two years.

E.g., I would like to start my first job, develop skills to excel in my role as well as assist with career progression.

Long-Term Goals – Lead, manage are terms associated with long-term goals for a fresher.

Also – Excel, master are terms to be used. For example – “I would love to excel in the art of team management.”

Maybe include weakness and say – I would like to convert this into my strength. It is a familiar topic. It will add credibility to your words.

Also, talk about the saying – “Change is the only thing constant” and mention your interest in continuously learning and updating your skills as part of the role.

Hobbies – Please don’t say – Watching TV, sleeping etc..

Talk about activities needing involvement such as Cooking, Photography, Trekking, even long rides and Drives count.

Let's ignore partying, boozing, fighting with siblings or friends as of now.

Conclusion: Thank the interviewer for giving you an opportunity to express yourself and mention the company's motto and confidently, firmly say – Working in line with the company’s motto, (mention the slogan here) I am confident that I shall ensure that I will always meet and exceed expectations with regards to … (and say the motto).

Use the below template:
Tell me about yourself:

I am (Name) ___________________________________
I am from (City name) _______________________ (if you lived in more than 1 city please strike through this sentence and refer 2.1)
I was born in (City 1 Name) _____________________ but brought up in (City 2 name) ____________________________
Qualification: I have completed my bachelor’s degree in (Subject) _______________________ and my Masters in (Subject) ___________________
Additional comments on qualification – ________________________________________________________________________________________
Projects: Mention goal of the project - _____________________________, where it was done (city) _____________ and (company name) ________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
We achieved (mention the results of the goal) ________________________ and I personally contributed towards (mention percentage) ______ of the total project by (explain your role in success of project) _____________________________________________________________
My strengths and weaknesses are (Select the one below also a certain strength can also be your weaknesses and you can talk about the, I have provided the list below) (Choose one or 2) :


Analytical Thinking

Too focussed on analytics and overlook the human element

Flexibility and Adaptability (Changing Environments)

Too flexible that sometimes I lose track of original goals

Ability to Learn Programs and Processes


Extremely Good People Skills

Not process oriented


Too secretive

Willingness to take on Responsibility

Take on all the work burden and fail to delegate

Devotion to Deadlines

Too focussed on deadlines and overlook the human element

Ability to Work Under Pressure

I might overachieve as part of a team.




Too detailed that I get delayed

Ability to cope with failures and learn from mistakes


Ability to prioritise


Organisation and planning


Problem Solving





Might lead to overconfidence


Might struggle with Individual tasks

Work Ethic


Writing Skills

Not a public speaker


Get distracted by talking or writing too much.

Interpersonal skills

Love working as a team but struggle with Individual tasks.


Role Model – Who?
Overview of Role Model
What outstanding quality do you admire in your role model? (resilience, determination, integrity, intelligence, humour, kindness, selflessness, exceptional achievement, strength or an amazing work ethic... or others, mention - ________________________________
My mom is a __________ and dad works for _______________. I have __ Siblings and (mention what he/she/they do) _______________________
My Short-term Goals are (include working in this company) as a goal _____________________________________________________________
My long-term goals are ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
My hobbies are _______________________________________________________________________

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