This task is going to give you several statements in the form of sentences and you have to decide if comments are True/false/ Not given in case information of the statement is not stated in the reading passage.
:- Needless to say, you always find proof in the text to answer the questions.
:- You don't use common sense, generally accepted truths, your logic, or any of that:- you use information that you find in reading Passage.
find in the reading text
here is how a true/ false/ not given task will look like:
see in practice test you will find information
now how to solve it
Always read the instructions carefully.
:- there will be at least one answer to each /- Underline keywords and words that cannot be paraphrased
e.g., -homeschooling
:- Do not expect to see the same words as in the text
the statements will follow the order of Passage
so if you read and underline those words, it will consume less time to solve it
do not stick to one question remember you have to score well
if you find D section easy then do it first
time management in ielts is important
when all your questions r solved, try to solve those questions which you left for last to answer.