The IELTS reading test consists of three passages of approximately 500-700 words and 13-14 questions each, all in a span of 60 minutes! Now, if you were to read each of these passages, word for word, you’d spend nearly 30 minutes. So how much time are you left with to answer 40 questions in all? Do the math.
Hence, we advise to skim through the passage. Here’s how to do that. Read the title and the first paragraph. Then, start reading the first sentence of subsequent paragraphs to understand and finally read the last two sentences of the concluding paragraph of the passage. This should give you an idea of what is being spoken about, in the entire passage, without you having to actually read it! 2. Starting with the questions Some students, in order to save time, start answering questions directly. Well, this is as bad as reading the entire passage. Of course you might save time, but, quite possibly your answers could be wrong! Especially answers to questions like the ones shown below.If you’re not familiar with the types of questions asked in the reading test of IELTS, you might spend a few valuable minutes of your test duration, just to understand them well. If you wish to save those minutes, you must go through the practice papers available in the kit and also on the British Council website.
5. Not managing time Completing your reading test within 60 minutes is fairly difficult. If you do not manage your time well, you make it simply impossible. Answer the questions that require less brainstorming before the complex ones. Eliminate options from multiple choice questions before you actually search for the answer. A question about the sun, for instance, has options like “Hot”, “Blue”, “Cold”, and “Yellow”; you know the sun is neither “Blue”, nor “Cold”. The answer could be either “Hot” or “Yellow” based on the information provided.