- Your diet and weight make a huge impact on glucose level in your blood, even if you are controlling your diabetes with tablets or insulin. A nutritionist is a trained healthcare professional who can help you manage your weight and ensure you eat a healthy diet.
- Consulting a nutritionist can help you develop healthy eating habits which to a great extent help you mitigate diabetes complications and thus reduced medication requirements.
- Eating a diabetes-pro diet regularly would prevent long-term diabetes health complications such as eye sight, and kidney problems.
- In addition, eating a healthy diet minimize the risk of developing heart diseases in diabetes patients.
- Meal planning -- A nutritionist prepares customized meal plan for an individual patient. He addresses specific health conditions through efficient diabetic meal plans that particular mitigate diabetic risks, while at the same time including all the vital nutrients. From healthy morning breakfast to dinner and in between snacks, a nutritionist plans your entire meals.
- Educate on food choices -- From scheduling your meal timings and making healthy diabetic food choices, your nutritionist acts as a food educator, teaching you how different types of foods impact your blood glucose level and affect diabetic conditions. He can also help you pick the right cereals, fruits & vegetables and meat while you are on grocery shopping, to manage your diet.
- Evaluates a diabetic patient -- A certified nutritionist evaluates a diabetic person before preparing his/her diet plan. Once the diet plan works and enhances the patient condition, the results are reported to the concerned doctors to make further required changes in the diet.