Adjektivendungen Mas Fem Neu Plu Bestimmte Artikel und diese, alle, welche, jede Nom der - e die - e das - e die - en Akk den - en die - e das - e die - en Dat dem...
Aim of this section is to learn how to ask somebody for something, to warn somebody, to make a request, to give somebody an advice, instructions or a command. Deutsch Englisch favour Bitte...
Indirekte Rede Theorie The aim of this section is to learn how to say / to report what somebody else said before. German English Er sagte, er habe keine Zeit. Sie meinte, sie...
Basic questions in German Language . Introductory questions 1) Wie heissen Sie ? (What is your name?) - Ich heisse Namrata (My name is Namrata) 2) Woher kommen Sie? (Where do you come from?) - Ich komme...
The Konjunktiv II The Konjunktiv II is a verb form that you will mostly find in indirect speech. You use it when using Konjunktiv I is ambiguous, meaning the verb would be the same as another form of...