Algorithm - The calculation the search engines use to find the most relevant information in relation to a search query.
Alt Tags - Short snippets of code that allow you to tag each photo on your site with a short text blurb.
Anchor Text – Text in your webpage content that is linked to another website or webpage.
Black Hat SEO – A back-handed approach to SEO that involves shortcuts and manipulation of a website. It is prohibited by the search engines.
Keyword Density – How often a keyword is mentioned on a page.
Headline Tags – HTML code tags denoted by “
” that make the text bigger than other text on the page.
Head Terms – phrases more generic in nature (usually 1-2 keywords long) that garner significant amount of search engine traffic, but provide little return.
HTML – Stands for Hypertext Markup Language is a standardized code for tagging text files to formate font, color, graphic, and hyperlinks to create webpages.
Inbound Links – Links to your website from external websites that are not on your domain.
Indexing – The process used by the search engines to crawl the web, scanning webpages and storing information about them.
Link Building – The process of generating inbound links from other websites.
Link Juice – The boost given to a website?s authority via inbound links from other authoritative websites.
Long-tail – The theory used to explain that while a majority of search traffic results from a small percentage of keywords (the head) there millions of unique keywords that make up a significant volume of search traffic in aggregate (the tail).
No-Follow – Tag placed in HTML code around links that are paid to tell the search engines not to give them any link juice.
Search Query – Term used to describe the actual keyword or phrase a search engine user typed into the search engine.
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) – Refers to all aspects of search, including organic and paid listings.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – The process of optimizing your website?s content so it?s easy for the search engines to find your content, index it, and determine how relevant it is to a specific search query.
Tail Terms – Keywords phrases usually 3 or more keywords in length that garner a small volume of search traffic but are much more valuable because they provide a better qualified traffic than head terms.