The art of communication lies in getting your message across as fast and effectively as possible. The amount of noise increasing in the system is the problem for communication.
Noise is generated when unnecessary information is included in the message. This can be in form of irrelevant statements, over use of body language and even pauses and sounds that denote a gap in the communicated message .
For this very reason, it is important to keep your message simple and understandable. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to speak about.
i. Avoid using jargons that are hard to understand for people.
ii. Avoid making sounds to hold the conversation while thinking what to say next.
iii. Avoid trying to sound smart as it might jumble up the whole message and make it more complicated than what it is supposed to be.
Good practice:
i. Speak in a language where even a 4 year old can understand you and comprehend the message being conveyed.
ii. Stop and assess your message beforehand.
iii. Take time to think and formulate message, and then start speaking.
iv. Have a mini strategy for situations where you feel you might face issues.
Communication is the simple art of encoding and decoding information, while maintaining the integrity of the message that is conveyed.