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Are humans considered as parasite and why ?

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Yes I believe to some extent that human beings are parasite on the environment and resources god has provided.what ever comfort we have developed today,but our basic needs comes from environment only.Humanity, as we originally were, lived in our environment in an unwasteful manner, this was because...
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Yes I believe to some extent that human beings are parasite on the environment and resources god has provided.what ever comfort we have developed today,but our basic needs comes from environment only.Humanity, as we originally were, lived in our environment in an unwasteful manner, this was because we were so few in number, small tribes and villages dotted across the land. Now that there are billions of humans we have no choice but to take from our environment but not give back anywhere near as much back, just like parasites. There are some people who do try to recycle, walk instead of drive and co-exist with nature in a productive way, but there are far more people who would like nothing better than to strip the rainforest to the soil if it would make them billionaires. They hold back clean cars and alternative power sources because they make so much money from oil. Individually some people are less parasitic than others, but most are not in a symbiotic relationship with the natural world. read less


Humans are a type of parasites since they indirectly eat others and there are also cannibals.

English Teacher

In a sense yes. But this is only because we are technically at the top of the food chain. Throughout history people died. A lot. And that's why for most of our history we weren't full on "parasites". Now in modern day living conditions are better and there isn't much from stopping the entire human...
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In a sense yes. But this is only because we are technically at the top of the food chain. Throughout history people died. A lot. And that's why for most of our history we weren't full on "parasites". Now in modern day living conditions are better and there isn't much from stopping the entire human population from growing. read less

Interior designer and product designer

Parasites are defined as : an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense. Keeping this definition in mind, humans can not be considered parasites since they do not live inside or on another organism, although they feed on other...
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Parasites are defined as : an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense. Keeping this definition in mind, humans can not be considered parasites since they do not live inside or on another organism, although they feed on other organisms, i.e. eat meat. read less

Arts graduate (B.A)

No, because In general plant and animal species evolve to exploit every available source of energy in the environment, and people just happen to be among the largest and most adaptable of species. We could eat a larger variety of things than a pig and inhabited every continent on the planet long before...
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No, because In general plant and animal species evolve to exploit every available source of energy in the environment, and people just happen to be among the largest and most adaptable of species. We could eat a larger variety of things than a pig and inhabited every continent on the planet long before we evolved complex technology. Like the fish in a pond it seems our population may be destined to crash in the not too distant future, but that does not mean we are parasites or a disease, it merely means that this may be our nature. read less

No human are not considered parasites because parasites feeds on the host's blood and live in host body internally or externally and most of the times harms the host

Teaching is my passion!!!!

Yes..as it takes food from odors.


Yes up to some extent humans are considered as parasiteS. Because parasites relay on host and cause some damage in the same humans are causing damage which was crossing there basic needs and disturbing the food chain.. for maintaining good ecosystem one should not cross there basic needs and should not...
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Yes up to some extent humans are considered as parasiteS. Because parasites relay on host and cause some damage in the same humans are causing damage which was crossing there basic needs and disturbing the food chain.. for maintaining good ecosystem one should not cross there basic needs and should not be greedy. read less

Parasites are usually individuals and attach themselves to hosts, trying not to kill them. If humans were parasites, you would see us attached to the sides of cows to feed. That we live in biologically symbiotic relationships with other animals, (domestic cows have been bred to the point where they depend...
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Parasites are usually individuals and attach themselves to hosts, trying not to kill them. If humans were parasites, you would see us attached to the sides of cows to feed. That we live in biologically symbiotic relationships with other animals, (domestic cows have been bred to the point where they depend on us for survival as well), is probably shared by every animal. We all exploit our environment and are exploited by it. Cockroaches, rats, dogs, cats and livestock have been using us as much as we use them to spread throughout the world. Some biologists see all organisms as being the slave animals for the spread of bacteria and viruses. You need to back up even further and see the whole mess as "life" or "nature" and it is learning how to grow and spread throughout the inorganic world. A large portion has become "human" just so it can expand to other planets and stars before this one gets used up. read less

Experienced Bio-Chem Combo Tution

Humans are not parasite because,1. It is at the top of the food chain.a parasite can not b a top class feeder. 2 .It may exploit the environment but a parasite always exploit one or two specific species.human do not harm like that way. 3.and more over it do not only harm they also protect nature and...
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Humans are not parasite because,1. It is at the top of the food chain.a parasite can not b a top class feeder. 2 .It may exploit the environment but a parasite always exploit one or two specific species.human do not harm like that way. 3.and more over it do not only harm they also protect nature and its various resources. read less

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