A career is born in public, talent in privacy. - Marilyn Monroe.
Nowadays, courses and jobs trends are changing very fast with the latest challenges and technologies; maybe we can name it as an era of Evolution of Careers and Jobs. It is essential to (a) choose a career which suits you and (b) should know the traits to become most successful in the same.
With the ever-changing surrounding, it is becoming essential for an individual to prepare himself/herself to adapt and cope up with the changes. We all face obstacles and challenges in life but keeping the right focus, and a positive attitude always helps in moving forward.
But unfortunately, this is not happening. In the quest for better than the other, we forget that every child is different and every child has the right to choose his/her Career. Just giving birth doesn't give one the right to decide a child's Career. When we push our child for any career option, do we ever analyze the type of skills he/she may need for that Career? Probably a BIG NO, because we even don't know. Even in ancient time, society and state never use to interfere with the education system and its administration. To get an education, a child had to leave home and live with a teacher in a gurukul for the entire duration of his studies.
Why are many parents unable to play their role in helping a child choosing the right direction?
Seeing the crisis among students, an increasing number of suicides, increasing stress among students, parents' hit and trial method of selection of Career for their child, unnecessary pressure from parents and coaching classes, all leads to chaos in a student's life. We can't afford to lose them as they are our future.
In our current education system, marks, grades and certificates are the only measurements of a person's ability. We forget that the most crucial thing called Life Skills gives the capability to an individual to deal with these challenges with a positive attitude and conquer them efficiently. Even some schools are taking care of them and share the result with parents, but as parents, Are we using them to understand the qualities of the child? What is the harm in suggesting some more manageable career goals? It is always wise to have an easy and convenient career goal and achieve success rather than challenging goals that may lead to failure.
Nowadays, we are just pushing the students to achieve a career without knowing their inherent qualities properly. A career selection needs the combined analysis of Aptitude, Interest and Personality. With a combined index, we can suggest career clusters and suitable career options. In this way, we not only increase their success in career goal but also will be to help them avoid going through unnecessary stress and pain.
Psychometric Test deals with the assessment of child's Interest, Personality and Aptitude combined. Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' mental capabilities and behavioural style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role career based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities) along with interest. This test will generate a complete report for the child, and as a parent, you can always go through the report with the help of a career counsellor.
This is high time. Before suggesting a career to a child, it is crucial that as a parent understand the life span of the profession. Just seeing the trend today, one can't merely predict the nature of the job after a couple of years. Give every child, time to think, explore, understand and decide based on the test so that they should understand the requirement for what they would like to become and that will allow them to fill the gap. That will help them know the importance of Career, the level of competition they need to do with the outer world. Then you see the Miracle. Just hard work will not be enough, then a rickshaw puller does more hard work than anyone. Teach them to blend hard work with smart work. Help them with scientific methods. That will ease their effort, reduce the stress and then they will be able to focus better on the career goal.
Remember, Career is a lifetime goal. Whatever you are going to select as a career, it will be with you actively till retirement and passively throughout life.