Fear before a board exam is a natural behaviour, but when fear becomes so much that learning, remembering and having difficulty in doing your regular work, it is called exam phobia. What are the symptoms - To feel all the time that the exam will be horrible, do not come to sleep properly, to cry, to eat, to eat less, to get stomach upset, to sweat, talk about fever, to forget the things read
How to survive - Write positive statements about yourself - I am good at reading, writing my comments like the best in the previous exams and writing such reports and putting them on your study table and reading daily - Find out your average sleep time and do not make any significant changes in your sleep pattern at the time of the examination. - solve the exam paper serials of previous years and check it out with your teacher After reading the sub got, make short notes, which, if you read again, only you can remember basic things with quick notes
Use the pen and marker in the notes which make notes in mind.
- Instead of sitting and studying, take 15 minutes to break after every hour
- Do the group study by doing what we read more often, and the fear of fear decreases in us.
- Time management is essential, so make your reading time every day and write it every day to follow it every day.
- Increase the amount of water and juice in the drinking water
- Play games like brain games such as Sudoku and Crossword - To deepen the brain and increase the concentration, take long deep breathing and do yoga.