Basic preparations of Western cuisine like mother sauces, types of soups and other cooking methods explained briefly with practical sessions...
1st Hour:-
Introdution to Western cuisine and explanation about the syllabus going to be covered + Q&A (About the Course)
Syllabus includes, Western cuisine familiarization, basic mother sauces, classification of soups and other main basic skills in Western Cuisines preparations...
2nd Hour:-
Detailed sessions of basic sauce, soup and other basic Western cooking methods + Mise preparations for the practical sessions
Mise preparations includes:-
Proper basic vegetables cutting includes in the Western cuisine preparations
Proper basic meat cutting includes in the Western cuisine preparations
Setting up seasoning, spices and herbs for the Western cuisine preparations
3rd Hour:-
Briefing with live practical sessions of basic sauces, soups and it's derivatives + Q&A (About the entire session)
Basic sauces like, bechamel, tomato, espagnole, veloutte etc...
Classification not soups like ,thin, thick, puree, and authentic famous international soups overlook.