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Asked by Shatarupa ghatak Last Modified
first it should be keep in mind that practising religion and having faith in god is not the same thing as most people concieve ..a person having faith in god may have very rational and try to analyse things as per own perspective . though that person may be called religious as per say but but he may be curious to know things his around scientifically . religion also generates philosphiphical aspect wgich further generate scientific temperament ...it depends on individual how he concieve religion .religion is not all about orthdoxy and superstition ...it also the origin of science...
read lessThe Age Of Enlightenment started with Voltaire and many french thinkers.They were opposing the dogmatic principles of religion and started to question the organized religion i.e. Christianity at that time and argue for rationality.During the Enlightenment era people already started to question the faith in god and opening the doors of Intellectualism.
read lessGandhiji about God - my god is truth why because there no god greater than truth. Humans are not respecting god instead of praying fighting and killing in the name of god. So only Gandhiji said that there no god higher than truth.so respect every religion and love human beings. Gandhiji's non violence is inspired from Jesus Christ. Another example.
Rajaram Mohan Roy is called father of indian renaissance. His crusaded against hindhu customs as sati, , child marriage,and the caste system. He said said indian Education system needs to be reformed by Western discipline with indian ideology. He established many schools .Indian schools were that time there was no attendance, no tests were conducted, no punishment were given, no syllabus is given, every thing is teached by orally .and It is called pathasala. Mant reformer like Rajaram Mohan Roy said that not by simply appling the western and Christian based schools. India want Education system with indian moral values, traditional style of studing with western modal of technology and science.
read lessEnlightenment was a movement originated in Italy by 14th century which made the artists, qriters , and thinkers change their overview and perspective about the nature. For example 3d paintings came due to enlightenment movement.
Enlightenment thwn gave die importance for scoence and hence reason became predominant. Ie lpgic and reason got upper hand over religion. Thus it was also an era of confusion for people.
read lessThat was not the start of thinking for science, however the boom towards thinking for science was started by that period. As this period is related to timing 1685 to 1815, most of the greatest inventions done. As for as religion is concerned, that was the timing when people started to make religious moment for their own profit. Before this religion was related to spiritual thought, but from that era it was moved to political thoughts.
read lessIt is surprising to find core atomic structure description and Energy Mass concept in different time frame Markendryeya Puran thousands of years back. The link between Indian Philosophy (Sanatan Philosophy) which led to four major reliogions of the world viz. Hindu, Budhist, Jain and Sikh is by default close to science as these religions has a clean target of Bharma gyan, which is nothing but the capacity to observe supreme energy from atoms to universe with out keeping any difference between the creator and creation.
read lessDuring ancient times there is no science without religion especially during medival period. People of that time when invented things scientifically the things but they directly correlated them with religion.for example during the vedic period the invention of zero and in medical shalp chikitsa are proven scientific but at that time it related to religious faith and Vedas
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It was Einstein, who boldly proclaimed, "Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind!" These are intertwined and are not at loggerheads. Faith begins when reasoning ends. Knowing one helps understand the other better. If we equate Science to sheer knowledge (Gyan) and religion to devotion (Bhakti), then understanding the reverend Sri Aurobindo (a Seer/Rishi/Yogi) becomes lucid when he said, "Devotion is not utterly fulfilled till it becomes action and knowledge!" Pray, this is enough food for thought to reflect upon and to draw own conclusions thereof.
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