Règle 1: Le participe passé employé sans auxiliaire s’accorde comme un adjectifExemple: Une lettre bien présentée. Exception : vu, excepté, ci-joint.Règle...
Learning how to spek a new language, especially when you know multiple languages can be challenging. The easiest trick is to think in that language. Translating in your mind spoils the vocabulary and...
Conjugation of être verb Je suis - I am Tu es -You are ll/Elle est - He/She is Nous sommes - We are Vous êtes - You are Ils/Elles sont - They are Here are some examples, how to use this...
Some special meanings of certain verbs in French: Aller: i. Aller à la pèche: To go fishing ii. Aller à la chasse: To go hunting iii. Aller à pied: To go by walk, to go...
Following are the French Pronouns - As we all know, we use Pronouns instead of Nouns. Je - I ( 1st person Singular) Tu - You (2nd person Singular) Il - He / It ( 3rd person Masculine Singular)...