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₹ 500 to ₹ 600 per hour
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I have 9 years experience of coaching and training soft skills, spoken english and sales techniques with 3 major UK contact centers based in the UK. In addition to this I have offered tuition classes from an early age during my schooling in the UK.
I can teach Students the Pronunciation Skills, Accent Neutralization, Phonetics, Cicely Berry Exercise, Consonant Sounds (Single & Multiple), Classification of Consonants depending on the technique or mechanism involved in producing these sounds (Plosives, Fricatives, Affricates, Nasals and Approximants), Vowel Sounds (Long & Short). The students are given certain tongue twisters in order to enhance their fluency in speaking English with a neutralized accent. Apart from these the training programme consists of regular Reading Exercises.
Inspiring people is my passion. I bring positive changes in people's lives by way of imparting various skills which include communication skills, learning skills, success skills, entrepreneurship skills to name a few which aim at personal development of the people by which they will be healthier, wealthier and happier. I have depended on world's No.1 motivational speakers, business and CEO coaches, and success experts and bring the best that works in my clients' lives. I teach voice and accent, business communication skills, etc., besides conducting success workshops, teacher/student orientations, My training sessions value people participation and intended outcomes. The Master Public Speaking Course course is gaining momentum in popularity. Hundreds of people have benefited from the course. The ideas shared by me are proven strategies and methods which if applied, anyone can definitely bring massive change in his/her life and will enjoy the life they once dreamed. Student are groomed into super achievers with the smartest ways of learning which are not common among ordinary students. My clients get continued support so that they grow consistently towards their potential. Besides my academic qualifications like MA (English literature), MBA, Doctorate in Management Studies, I am a certified Life Coach and Neuro-linguistic practitioner. To be successful in any field, do exactly what the successful people in that field have done. I inspire people with that what.
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Lesson Posted on 31/08/2022 Learn Language/Accent Training Classes
How to pronounce ‘ were’ and ‘where’
Nirmala Baskaran
I am Ms.Nirmala, a teacher by profession.I conduct classes to develop reading skills through phonics,also...
Lesson Posted on 30/06/2021 Learn Tuition/BA Tuition/Language and Linguistics
Common Pronunciation Mistakes- I
Siddharth Paul
Training professional thrives in making maximum use of managerial and instructional skills to identify,...
SN | Words | Wrong pronunciation | Correct Pronunciation | Meaning |
1 | Adobe | Ah-dob | Ah-doh-bee | Brand |
2 | Aegis | Ay-jis | EE-JIS | Endorsement and guidance |
3 | Almond | Al-mohnd | Al-mund |
4 | Alumni | Ah-lum-nee | A-lum-nayee | former pupil or student |
5 | Arch | Ark | Arch | Form an arch or curve |
6 | Archive | Ar-keev | Ar-kaa-iv | data backup or a store of old data |
7 | Ask | Aks | Ask |
8 | Asterisk | As-ter-ik | AS-TER-ISK |
9 | Asthma | Asth-ma | Az-maa |
10 | Asus | Ah-sus | Uh-soos | Brand |
11 | Bass | bus | Bay-s |
12 | Biology | Bi-logy | Bai-awe-lojy |
13 | Bowl | Ba-ohl | bohl |
14 | Buffet | Bu-fet | Boo-fey |
15 | Bullet | Boo-let | Boo-lit |
16 | Burgar | Bur-gar | Bu-gu |
17 | Cabin | Kay-bin | Kah-bin |
18 | Cache | Kashey | Kash |
19 | Capris | cape-reese | Kuh-preez |
20 | Chanel | Cha-nnel | Sh-nl | Brand |
Lesson Posted on 07/11/2019 Learn Language
Jestine Augustine
Training under me is a place where interactive sessions, innovative teaching methods and collaborative...
It is one of the issues professionals and other people working in different companies facing,people working in IT field mainly ,people from India have its own style of speaking English,to a certain extent the tendency of speaking in your own style makes problems'
There are many ways you can Improve Your Accent
1.Litening Native English talkshows and interviews
2.Listen ABC news
3.Listen and repaeat sentences based on PTE
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