Children who learn Phonics do better than those who do not, in all aspects of English reading - identifying words, better verbal and silent reading, better comprehension and better spelling. As per research,...
Children who learn Phonics do better than those who do not, in all aspects of English reading - identifying words, better spoken and silent reading, better comprehension and better spelling. As per research,...
- Most English Classes Are Like This - Your English teacher has ten years of teaching experience and is certified to teach English as a second language. He even displays his ESL Certificate proudly...
Long sound Vowels a, e, i, o and u give sound to the consonants when we make words. Vowels have both long and short sounds. We can define long sound as ' the name of the letter is the sound of the...
LETRA C Si la letra C está antes de la letra E ó I, suena como CE, CI (SE, SI). Ejemplos: CIEN, CERRO, CERRAR, LUCIR. Si la letra C está antes de la letras A, O, U, suena...