Full-Stake Web Development, according to the Stack Overflow 2016 Developer Survey is the most popular developer occupation today. It’s no wonder then that there are dozens of online and in-person programs that will help people become Full-Stack Developers and then even assist these new developers land high-paying programming jobs.
In this article, I will be providing a definitive guide to what I believe are the most important skills required to become a Full-Stack Web Developer.
About Full-Stack Web Developer:
A Full-Stack Web Developer is someone who is able to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application.
Front-end refers to the portion of an application the user will see or interact with.
back-end is the part of the application that handles the logic, database interactions, user authentication, server configuration and many more.
It is not necessary that you have mastered in everything with the front-end or back-end, but it means that you are able to work in both sides and understand what is going on when building an application.
For being a Full-Stake Web Development below is a reference guide with a list of things you should learn.
HTML/CSS : HTML and CSS are buildings blocks of the web. Firstly, you need to understand what is a relation of HTML & CSS and what is a measure role of this in Web. HTML allows you to add content to a website and CSS is allows you to style your content. you don’t necessarily need to understand how to use one on a deep level, but you should to understand what they are for and how they help with development. You need to learn each and every version of CSS for better designing. For target different devices and responsive, learn CSS Media Query and also learn Bootstrap ( framework for helping design and layout content on a page ).
JavaScript: JavaScript language is more popular with new libraries, frameworks, and tools are constantly being released. JavaScript is the most popular language in both Full-Stack, Front-end, and Back-end Development. In JavaScript you need to learn how to work with the DOM. Also know what JSON is and how to manipulate it. Also know how to use at least one popular framework. Many of frameworks are available to learn but I want to go with AngularJS because this is popular framework in market.
Bank-End Language: Once you feel you’ve gotten a good grasp on HTML/CSS and JavaScript, you’ll want to move on to a back-end language that will handle things like database operations, user authentication, and application logic. According to Indeed.com all the languages listed below.