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What is the written examination pattern of NDA?

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Delhi Career Group is a Professional Leading Institute in India. Delhi Career Group is a known for its best Guidance and affordable education Services in India. We offer a complete range of Competitive Exams, includes IAS/IPS, BANK PO, SSC, UGC-NET, NDA, CDS, CLAT, CPT Etc. In current scenario everybody...
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Delhi Career Group is a Professional Leading Institute in India. Delhi Career Group is a known for its best Guidance and affordable education Services in India. We offer a complete range of Competitive Exams, includes IAS/IPS, BANK PO, SSC, UGC-NET, NDA, CDS, CLAT, CPT Etc. In current scenario everybody would like to become risk-free along with his/her job to protect them. Therefore every candidate has to clear competitive exam in his/her particular field. Delhi Career Group has a team of best teachers from over all India. We have extended our hands across the globe in providing the World Class Coaching to the Students in Competitive Exam. Commitment, Good Results, Creativity and Superiority are primary focuses of DELHI CAREER GROUP. And we all in DELHI CAREER GROUP make an effort to work in the field of functionality to highlighting the target using candidate that brings together with us. read less

Best Institute For Competitive Exams

NDA is the Best way which gives students a great opportunity to join the Army, Navy or Air Forces Immediate after clearing +2 board examinations. We prepare candidates For NDA which is also known as National defence academy entrance exam for the most highly regarded Indian Defence Services. As we all...
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NDA is the Best way which gives students a great opportunity to join the Army, Navy or Air Forces Immediate after clearing +2 board examinations. We prepare candidates For NDA which is also known as National defence academy entrance exam for the most highly regarded Indian Defence Services. As we all know that every year thousands of student appear for NDA written examination and due to its difficulty level only few candidates are able to crack it. The right preparation strategy to clear NDA Exam begins sudden after +2 Board Examinations. This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success in NDA exams. read less

Best Institute For Competitive Exams

The right preparation strategy to clear NDA Exam begins sudden after +2 Board Examinations. This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success...
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The right preparation strategy to clear NDA Exam begins sudden after +2 Board Examinations. This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success in NDA exams. - See more at: https://www.urbanpro.com/nda/what-is-the-written-examination-pattern-of-nda/2998904#.dpuf read less

This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success in NDA exams.

This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success in NDA exams.

This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success in NDA exams.


NDA Examination Pattern:- Paper-I -Mathematics (Maximum Marks - 300) Paper-II-General Ability Test (Maximum Marks-600) Part A- ENGLISH (Maximum Marks 200). & Part B- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Maximum Marks-400) Intelligence and Personality testThe candidate has to go through verbal as well as non-verbal...
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NDA Examination Pattern:- Paper-I -Mathematics (Maximum Marks - 300) Paper-II-General Ability Test (Maximum Marks-600) Part A- ENGLISH (Maximum Marks 200). & Part B- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Maximum Marks-400) Intelligence and Personality testThe candidate has to go through verbal as well as non-verbal intelligence tests with other exercises like GD and other outdoor group tasks. Sometimes candidates are asked to deliver lectures on specific subjects. TIPS FOR NDA WRITTEN EXAM English and Analysis of Current Affairs. NDA exam has two papers of 2 ½ hrs each. All questions are objective type. First paper of Maths and Second General Abilit Mathematics : Covers the syllabus of XI and XII class. There are more questions from Class XI syllabus. Total 120 questions carrying 300 marks. Therefore, a student gets about a minute plus to solve each question. It is essential for candidate to practice shortcut techniques, General Ability : The paper has 150 questions carrying 600 marks. The candidate has exactly a minute to solve each question. The paper comprises of three sections i.e. English, Science and General Knowledge, each section has 50 questions. The candidate should brush up his basic grammar as all questions of English section are on absolute basic grammar involving correction of Errors in a Sentence, ordering of words in a sentence, ordering of sentences in a paragraph, Antonyms, Synonyms and Comprehension etc. The Science portion has maximum questions of Physics (more conceptual), Chemistry (quite straight) and Biology (absolutely factual). General Knowledge portion comprises History, Indian Polity, and Geography. Most questions in HISTORY are from Modern Indian History and only a few from Medieval and Ancient History. Students can cut down the load by concentrating more on Modern History of India. Geography portion needs an understanding rather than cramming facts. Indian Polity is absolutely factual and needs mugging up. In current affairs it's important to know recent facts about defence, various commissions, heads of govt/private organizations, sports events etc. NDA Examination Pattern:- Paper-I -Mathematics (Maximum Marks - 300) Paper-II-General Ability Test (Maximum Marks-600) Part A- ENGLISH (Maximum Marks 200). & Part B- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Maximum Marks-400) Intelligence and Personality testThe candidate has to go through verbal as well as non-verbal intelligence tests with other exercises like GD and other outdoor group tasks. Sometimes candidates are asked to deliver lectures on specific subjects. TIPS FOR NDA WRITTEN EXAM English and Analysis of Current Affairs. NDA exam has two papers of 2 ½ hrs each. All questions are objective type. First paper of Maths and Second General Abilit Mathematics : Covers the syllabus of XI and XII class. There are more questions from Class XI syllabus. Total 120 questions carrying 300 marks. Therefore, a student gets about a minute plus to solve each question. It is essential for candidate to practice shortcut techniques, General Ability : The paper has 150 questions carrying 600 marks. The candidate has exactly a minute to solve each question. The paper comprises of three sections i.e. English, Science and General Knowledge, each section has 50 questions. The candidate should brush up his basic grammar as all questions of English section are on absolute basic grammar involving correction of Errors in a Sentence, ordering of words in a sentence, ordering of sentences in a paragraph, Antonyms, Synonyms and Comprehension etc. The Science portion has maximum questions of Physics (more conceptual), Chemistry (quite straight) and Biology (absolutely factual). General Knowledge portion comprises History, Indian Polity, and Geography. Most questions in HISTORY are from Modern Indian History and only a few from Medieval and Ancient History. Students can cut down the load by concentrating more on Modern History of India. Geography portion needs an understanding rather than cramming facts. Indian Polity is absolutely factual and needs mugging up. In current affairs it's important to know recent facts about defence, various commissions, heads of govt/private organizations, sports events etc. NDA Examination Pattern:- Paper-I -Mathematics (Maximum Marks - 300) Paper-II-General Ability Test (Maximum Marks-600) Part A- ENGLISH (Maximum Marks 200). & Part B- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Maximum Marks-400) Intelligence and Personality testThe candidate has to go through verbal as well as non-verbal intelligence tests with other exercises like GD and other outdoor group tasks. Sometimes candidates are asked to deliver lectures on specific subjects. TIPS FOR NDA WRITTEN EXAM English and Analysis of Current Affairs. NDA exam has two papers of 2 ½ hrs each. All questions are objective type. First paper of Maths and Second General Abilit Mathematics : Covers the syllabus of XI and XII class. There are more questions from Class XI syllabus. Total 120 questions carrying 300 marks. Therefore, a student gets about a minute plus to solve each question. It is essential for candidate to practice shortcut techniques, General Ability : The paper has 150 questions carrying 600 marks. The candidate has exactly a minute to solve each question. The paper comprises of three sections i.e. English, Science and General Knowledge, each section has 50 questions. The candidate should brush up his basic grammar as all questions of English section are on absolute basic grammar involving correction of Errors in a Sentence, ordering of words in a sentence, ordering of sentences in a paragraph, Antonyms, Synonyms and Comprehension etc. The Science portion has maximum questions of Physics (more conceptual), Chemistry (quite straight) and Biology (absolutely factual). General Knowledge portion comprises History, Indian Polity, and Geography. Most questions in HISTORY are from Modern Indian History and only a few from Medieval and Ancient History. Students can cut down the load by concentrating more on Modern History of India. Geography portion needs an understanding rather than cramming facts. Indian Polity is absolutely factual and needs mugging up. In current affairs it's important to know recent facts about defence, various commissions, heads of govt/private organizations, sports events etc. NDA Examination Pattern:- Paper-I -Mathematics (Maximum Marks - 300) Paper-II-General Ability Test (Maximum Marks-600) Part A- ENGLISH (Maximum Marks 200). & Part B- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Maximum Marks-400) Intelligence and Personality testThe candidate has to go through verbal as well as non-verbal intelligence tests with other exercises like GD and other outdoor group tasks. Sometimes candidates are asked to deliver lectures on specific subjects. TIPS FOR NDA WRITTEN EXAM English and Analysis of Current Affairs. NDA exam has two papers of 2 ½ hrs each. All questions are objective type. First paper of Maths and Second General Abilit Mathematics : Covers the syllabus of XI and XII class. There are more questions from Class XI syllabus. Total 120 questions carrying 300 marks. Therefore, a student gets about a minute plus to solve each question. It is essential for candidate to practice shortcut techniques, General Ability : The paper has 150 questions carrying 600 marks. The candidate has exactly a minute to solve each question. The paper comprises of three sections i.e. English, Science and General Knowledge, each section has 50 questions. The candidate should brush up his basic grammar as all questions of English section are on absolute basic grammar involving correction of Errors in a Sentence, ordering of words in a sentence, ordering of sentences in a paragraph, Antonyms, Synonyms and Comprehension etc. The Science portion has maximum questions of Physics (more conceptual), Chemistry (quite straight) and Biology (absolutely factual). General Knowledge portion comprises History, Indian Polity, and Geography. Most questions in HISTORY are from Modern Indian History and only a few from Medieval and Ancient History. Students can cut down the load by concentrating more on Modern History of India. Geography portion needs an understanding rather than cramming facts. Indian Polity is absolutely factual and needs mugging up. In current affairs it's important to know recent facts about defence, various commissions, heads of govt/private organizations, sports events etc. read less

The examination pattern of NDA: a) Mathematics: 300 marks b) General Ability Test (Objective Type): 600 marks Total marks: 900 marks

SME in Mathematics & Statistics

NDA Written Exam pattern: Paper I: Math, Duration 2.5 hours, Maximum Marks 300 Paper II: General Ability Test, Duration 2.5 hours, Maximum Marks 600 The General Ability Test consists of Part A: English (200 Marks) and Part B: General Knowledge (400 Marks). The papers in all the subjects consist...
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NDA Written Exam pattern: Paper I: Math, Duration 2.5 hours, Maximum Marks 300 Paper II: General Ability Test, Duration 2.5 hours, Maximum Marks 600 The General Ability Test consists of Part A: English (200 Marks) and Part B: General Knowledge (400 Marks). The papers in all the subjects consist of Objective (multiple choice answer) Type questions only. Candidates are not permitted to use calculators for answering objective type papers. read less

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