We the menber of W.I.C.M.A.S. hereby swear,
1) To devote ourselves towards the development of one another,spiritually,intecllectually and physically.
2)To be constantly alert to the Teachings of our Masters and Teachers and always to Master the secret of this 'Martial Arts".
3) To be respectful towards others Superiors teachers, frienda and family.
4) To avoid all the unnecessary incidents and to use this "Arts" only when all other means of self defense have failed.
5) Through the Teaching of the four forgiong principles we futher swear to strive, to become good citizens of India, worthy community members and true gentlemen.
I swear never to use my knowledge of Karate unless in self -defense,defence or my family.
I will do my best to act in a polite manner at all times thus bringing respect to myself, my parents, mt teacher and my Dojo.
(School of Martial Arts)