Hello, You have a very logical desire to earn money and that also you are keeping very low expectation of earning around Rs. 200–500 a day is quite a simple task, As you have mentioned you are a beginner I will let you know that among other platforms like equity trading, option trading, derivatives and others you must start trading over equity first for the first 2–3 months and then you can switch to derivatives and options but be very sure that the risk will be increased and your chances of losing money too. Better take sessions over stock market basic and technical analysis and let me suggest you the best place as well for learning about stock market you can contact the team of expert traders group Intelligence7 | Stock Market Training | Learn about Stock Market they will definitely help you in becoming a professional trader.
and the investment you need to make Rs. 200–500 gain from equity trading is nearly Rs. 25k and here just investment is not only going to help your discipline and strategy too will count.