It is a common question among pupils that how should I speak English, What should I do to learn English, how should I gather vocabulary in my mind, etc.
Before I start the lesson, I would like to let you know that the writer of this post has not joined any coaching class to learn English, not studied in any English Medium school, no atmosphere of English or still I don't talk anyone in English due to my nature of business. Although its a different thing that I usually have conversation with foreign people which keep me upgraded.
I hope that above story will fill confidence in you that you don't need to have any English background.
So, lets move to your queries and solutions for them.
Important things to know and rumours to avoid :
a) Do not think, there is any magic which will make you able to speak in 1-2 months if you are beginner.
b) There are millions of word in each language of the world, we dont need to know all words. See what is your field; for example if you an Engineering student, then you do not need to know what is Egian. English Native Teacher says - 100 to 300 Vocabs are enough to live your life and believe me, I have never faced any condition where I had to go to dictionary while communicating with a foreigner.
c) Someone told me, your English is good but it still needs improvement (actually when you ask to anyone, you will find this reply mostly)- I asked myself do I need improvement ?? The answer I found - I did not face any difficulty in conversation so I do not need to improve even a litttle because I am doing perfect at my level.
So, here is my plan for you:
- Learn English Grammar by a professional trainer who can teach you grammar without letting you know what is tense, voice, model ( these are lessons of grammar and pillar of this language, but many students just keep learning what future, present, past tense instead they should know how its used )
- Learn just 5 words a day - make different sentences, read some examples of them so they will get set in your mind forever. Dont get overloaded with a bundle of words daily, start with most useful words first like get, take, go, come, sit.... these are the most using common words all over the world.
You Must Have A Through Knowledge Of Tense, Model, Preposition- These will make you professional speaker.
After that, your teacher jobs is almost over and its your time to start working.
Spend daily 2 hrs for English with these -
Buy a book of English Accent with DVD/CD , You will learn American accent at home.
See Hindi or your native language Video with English Subtitles which will make you understand how English is spoken. It will actually keep brushing your knowledge and all English faces.
By doing this for 1 month, you will be able to speak better then me - its true!!
Dont hesitate to ask your question.
Thank you
Rohit Jain