This lesson has been written with the focus on learning English speaking by concentrating on some sentences that are most frequently used. It is not advocated that you learn and understand them all within a day. Instead you can emphasize on learning two of these English sentences each day.
Imagine a situation where you can converse with someone using one or more of the below-mentioned sentences. You can opt to have a mental conversation, envision how other person may respond and accordingly answer to him or her. These conversations may be one to three sentences long or even longer; based on your preference. Keep your eyes and ears open for these common sentences on TV, listen radio and read blogs about how these sentences can be used in different scenarios.
Use these phrases in casual writing or write a tweet, an email or a Facebook post. You can also make an effort to use these sentences in real conversations wherever you can. By practicing two phrases every day, you can easily start learning fluent English speaking in no time. You should strive at completing the entire list within 10 days.
1. I really appreciate it: This sentence can be used personally and professionally both.
I really appreciate your help.
I really appreciate your honesty/good work.
2. Excuse me: When you really need to get through but if someone is blocking your way, you can say Excuse me. You can use this sentence in case of seeking attention, like in parties you can say
Excuse me, ladies and gentleman.
Excuse me Mam, you dropped your wallet.
3. I am sorry: Use it when you want to apologize, when you have done something wrong and want to ask forgiveness for it. You can use it in both personal and professional scenario.
I am sorry for hurting you.
4. What do you think?: The sentence can be used when you want to know opinion of other person on a topic.
I am not sure if we should make this investment now, what do you think?
5. That sounds great: If you like an idea or a thought, you may use adjectives like ‘perfect’, ‘awesome’, ‘fantastic’ , these words are synonyms of ‘great’. Similarly you can use this sentence:
Guys, let’s plan a road trip to Himachal
That sounds awesome
6. Nice to meet you: When someone introduces himself/herself to you , in reply you can use this sentence.
Hi, I am Manish, sales manager from Toyota.
Hello Manish, Nice to meet you.
7. Where are you from?: You use this sentence when you want to know location of the other person.
Hi, I am Manish.
Hello Manish, nice to meet you, where are you from?
8. What do you do?: It means what do you do for a living, refers to your occupation
Hi, I am Manish.