Tips for the day:
Read out loud (English-Story books, Magazine, newspaper whichever you like the most but keep in mind to "Read Out Loud".
Try to convert any conversation from your mother tongue to...
Instructions: Select the correct answer from the options given:
1. Which spelling is correct?
a. Leverage
b. Laverage
c. Leverege
d. Lavarege
2. Which spelling is correct?
a. Malgin
b. Margin
Idioms is a collection of words -used to express something. But the only catch here is that the words are not literal.
There are endless idioms in English language and can't be covered in just one lesson....
We must use singular verbs with singular nouns, even if the noun is collective.
Wrong: The team of Indians were the best in the tournament.
Correct: The team of Indians was the best in the tournament.
It is important to build ones vocabulary when learning to speak English. Keep a record of new words that you come across or learn and review them from time to time and try to use them. Read up as much...