Candle Magic is one of the simplest methods of spellcasting. Considered sympathetic magic, which is a way that does not require a lot of fancy or expensive ritual ceremonial artefacts. In other words,...
A boy got an electric shock and lost his one hand. His one hand became paralysed. He felt inferior complex and avoiding to play with children. His mother boosted his level of confidence and allowed him...
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a technology developed by Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder in 1970 in California University Santacruz. Neuro: Nervous System through which experience is received...
How to convert your dream into Goal If we want to convert the dream into Goal, two important tools are given below. SMART & 5D S: Specific M: Measurable A: Achievable R: Realistic T: Time-bound...
I am glad you have finally decided to start looking after your mental & physical well being. But where to begin ? How to start ? What are the basics ? What to expect and what to not ? All are perfectly...