Yoga not only means postures and Mantra chanting. You have a lot of potential and power to fulfil your desire with the help of Yoga. The human body is a resource of dreams, and your subconscious mind operates...
I am glad you have finally decided to start looking after your mental & physical well being. But where to begin ? How to start ? What are the basics ? What to expect and what to not ? All are perfectly...
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a technology developed by Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder in 1970 in California University Santacruz. Neuro: Nervous System through which experience is received...
Take a plate with water, then put a copper coin in it. Then take green candle, light the candle, drip melted wax of the candle in water on the coin. Say a prayer:- As a softinto a hardvis turend, so my...
Holistic Health and Meaningful life In my experience, I have seen many people are living without a goal and many following meaningless goals. Clarity of goal with holistic health gives meaning to life. Holistic...