Life is quite easy and simple. Anything that you want to learn becomes easy only when you start developing interest and love towards it. You can start loving about anything only when you have a clear and...
We start communicating from the instant we take our first breath. Our first cry is a communication to our mother, and to the world, that we have arrived. And till our last breath, we are in constant communication. Yet,...
First of all, do you know what stress is? Stress is too much to do and too little time or energy. When we have too much to do with not enough time and energy, the we get stressed. So either you reduce...
Problem-solving What is the Problem? Generally, I asked this question in my workshops many times to my participants, "what is the problem?", that time they replied My Boss is a problem, my mother is...
How to convert your dream into Goal If we want to convert the dream into Goal, two important tools are given below. SMART & 5D S: Specific M: Measurable A: Achievable R: Realistic T: Time-bound...