Emerging technologies are technologies that are perceived as capable of changing the status quo. ... Emerging technologies include a variety of technologies such as educational technology, information...
1) Friendliness: Be friendly with people who are happy. If you are not friendly with happy people, you will be jealous. This is because you think that your enemy is happy, and you cannot tolerate your...
Problem-solving What is the Problem? Generally, I asked this question in my workshops many times to my participants, "what is the problem?", that time they replied My Boss is a problem, my mother is...
What is Spirituality? What is Spirituality? Becoming life sensitive. Expanding Consciousness Being Aware Becoming aesthetic (Finding beauty everywhere) In search of peace of mind Transcending...
Through Divine Guidance we have experienced and solved different kinds of issues that our clients had been facing in their lives, reasons for which were deep rooted in their past lives. We are happy to...