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Which language is harder, Spanish or Mandarin?

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Language and commerce Professional Trainer with 25 years of experience

mandarin is little harder than spanish



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Spanish and French are 60percent similar.
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what are top institute in kolkata of learning spanish
The best one is Ramkrishna Mission in Golpark.
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What's the oldest text in the Spanish language?
The oldest known text in the Spanish language is the "Cantar de Mio Cid" (The Song of My Cid), which is an epic poem that dates back to around the 12th century. It is one of the earliest and most significant works of Spanish literature.
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If a child is reading aloud and is maintaining meaning, is it necessary that I correct every word he misreads?
No, that will demotivate the child. Concentrate on few important, then slowly gradually improve the pronunciation.
Oscar Sivale
Which institute is best for Spanish for career prospectus between institute Hispanic, Delhi or institute Cervantes C.P? Please advise.
I don't know about Hispanic but Cervantes is very good, their level is very good. Spanish teachers are teaching there plus there is a well equipped library where you can read novels, magazines.
Manish Bhalla

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