1. un ordenardor (Spain) / una computadora (Latin America) a computer
2. una tableta a tablet
3. una impresora a printer
4. el ratón the mouse
5. apagar to turn on
6. encender to turn off
7. el disco duro the hard drive
8. el teclado the keyboard
9. la tecla the key
10. los auriculares headphones
11. el micrófono the mic
12. la pantalla the screen
13. la cámara the camera
14. los altavoces the speakers
15. una aplicación an app
16. base de datos database
17. las redes sociales social networks
18. el enlace the link
19. subir to upload
20. guardar to save
21. borrar to delete
22. hacer click to click
23. bajar/descargar to download
24. buscar en Google search on Google, to Google
25. pirata informático hacker
26. contraseña password
Many other words have entered Spanish directly with their English appearance but a Spanish sound:
27. podcast (make sure you pronounce the o as in ‘poco’, and you say the a as in ‘casa’ )
28. wifi (pronounced güeefee)
29. router (pronounced rooter)
30. data (with the a as in ‘casa’)