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My Family in Spanish

Ashish Sundriyal
08/02/2020 0 0

One of the best ways for beginners of any language to practice is by talking about your family. By giving basic details such as name, age, and job for your family members, you get to practice making introductions several times. You can also practice asking other people about their family members to get you familiar with question words and structures. To help you out, here’s a Spanish lesson on “Mi Familia.” Let’s start with the Spanish vocabulary you’ll need.


Spanish English
abuela grandmother
abuelita grandma
abuelito grandpa
abuelo grandfather  
abuelos grandparents
boda wedding
compadre close friend
cuñado brother-in-law
esposa wife
familia family
gemelo identical twin
hermana sister
hermana menor younger (youngest) sister
hermanastro step-brother
hermanastro  step-brother 
hermano brother
hermano mayor older (oldest) brother
hermanos siblings
hija daughter
hijo son
huérfano orphan
madrastra step-mother
madre mother
madrina godmother
mamá mom
mami mommy
marido, esposo husband
mellizo twin
nieta granddaughter
nieto grandson
nina nickname for godmother
nino nickname for godfather
Padre Father
Madre Mother
nuera daughter-in-law
padrastro step-father
padre father
padres parents
padrino godfather
padrinos godparents
papá dad
papi daddy
parientes relatives
prima cousin (female)
primo cousin (male)
primo hermano first cousin (male)
sobrina niece
sobrino nephew
suegra mother-in-law
suegro father-in-law
tía aunt
tío uncle
vecinos neighbors
viuda widow
viudo widower
yerno son-in-law
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