Selenium Overview:
Selenium Components and Architecture.
Why Java for Selenium, Installing Java Eclipse.
First Eclipse Project and Java program.
Platform independence.
Selenium IDE:
Installing Selenium IDE Recording.
Running Scrip.
Pausing and debugging Script Inserting.
commands in between script XPATHS.
installing firebug to get XPATHS.
Wait Commands.
Verification and Assertions.
Sample Programs.
Handling Input Box/Buttons.
Handling WebList.
Radio Buttons / Checkboxes.
Types of locators:
List of locators and use.
Differences between Fundaments and Fundament.
Capturing screenshots with Web Driver.
Handling windows & switching windows.
Pop-up and alert handling.
Basic Of java:
Conditional and concatenation operators.
Usage of loops: While Loop, For Loops.
Data Types: String.
Integer / Arrays.
Functions: Input Parameters.
Return Types.
Local, Global.
Static and Non-Static Variables.
Creating Objects and Object References.
Call by reference and Value Constructors.
Creating Methods in java, Constructors.
Xpath and JXL:
Making your own XPath without firebug.
Object Collections, iterator, hash map.
Jxl-jar introduction, Reading/Writing Excel.
Handling frames in web pages, Action.
Driver Introduction, Keyboard and Mouse.
Event handling.
OOPS Concept:
Class / Object / Method.
Property Concept of Inheritance.
Overloading & Overriding Functions.
Usage of Inheritance in Selenium.
Eclipse Installation:
Creating Packages,
Accessing Classes and Methods,
Good Features of eclipse,
Accessing modifier : (Public, Private, Default, Protected)
Exception handing : Try catch block and throw able class,
Need of exception handling in Selenium framework.
Handling the wait:
Explicit wait & Implicit waits.
JXL and POI:
Xml Automation concepts.
Read/Write XML files, Working with nodes, converting into html file.
Selenium Grid:
Selenium Grid Concepts.
Introduction to hub, driver.
Approaches to start/stop hub & driver.
Using grid to run tests using RemoteWebDriver setting desired & fetching actual capabilities Config node parameters & timeouts.
Hub Diagnostic Messages.
File Concepts:
Handling drag & drop, multi-selection of objects.
File Concepts ,Html File Concepts, Sample programs on File Automation.
String class & functions Reading/Writing Text Files Reading Properties file in Java.
DB connection and Installation:
Database Concepts
JDBC Drivers, Connection Interface,
Statement & Prepared Statement Interfaces
Result Set Interface ,Firing select, insert, update and delete queries using jdbc,
Looping the Result Set.
Introduction to MySQL Database, Sample programs on MySQL DB and Excel Database
Web Table Concepts,child item operations
TestNg Installation and uses:
What is TestNg?
Installing TestNg in Eclipse.
TestNg annotations?
Understanding usage of annotations.
Running a Test in TestNg.
Batch running of tests in TestNg.
Skipping Tests.
Parameterizing Tests : DataProvider.
Assertions/Reporting Errors.
TestNg Reports.
Advantages over Junit.
Using TestNg in Selenium.
Executing Grid in parallel environments with TestNg.
Framework Overview.
Reading XPATHS, Config from properties.
Initialize Web driver.
Implementing tests & batch running them.
Repeating a test with different Data.
Building utility functions Parameterization of tests using excel Controlling.
Execution order from excel.
Assertions and Reporting Errors.
Storing Screenshots of errors.
Generating the HTML reports.
Emailing test reports.
Creating a BAT file for project execution.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Selenium IDE
Selenium Environment Setup:
Download and Install Java.
Download and Configure Eclipse.
Selenium: Selense Commands
Selenium: Web driver
Selenium: Locators
ID, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text , By partial link text, By XPath
Selenium: User Interaction
Selenium: TestNG
Selenium: Grid
Hub, Node
Configuration of Hub and Node
Parallel execution