Priority and severity level of defects needed to be defined as the development team cannot resolve all defects simultaneously. The test team needs to indicate how soon they want to get the defect fixed, and how big the impact on the functionality of the application under test is. Classification levels are defined as under
High Severity – High Priority bug
This is when major path through the application is broken, for example, on an eCommerce website, every customers get error message on the booking form and cannot place orders, or the product page throws a Error of page not found.
High Severity – Low Priority bug
This happens when the bug causes major problems, but it only happens in very rare conditions or situations, for example, customers who use very old browsers cannot continue with their purchase of a product. Because the number of customers with very old browsers is very old version, it is not a high priority to fix the issue.
High Priority – Low Severity bug
The logo or name of the company is not displayed on the website. It is important to fix the issue as soon as possible, although it may not create cause a System and other component.
Low Priority – Low Severity bug
The privacy policy page take a long time to load. Not many people view the privacy policy page and slow loading doesn’t affect the customers much.