Motivation is the driving force to do something meaningful in life. No greatest thing is ever achieved without motivation. Kids, our next generation, needs to stay motivated in their studies, sports, in all walks of life which interests them. James Lovelock, one of renowned scientists once said, "Every astonishing achievement is based on the internal drive and a constant feedback loop". The role of a guru, a mentor is to initiate this internal drive to go beyond the comfort zone, beyond the undoable, unimaginable. Parents are a child’s first and most prominent mentors.
Here are some of the points a parent should use to ignite this internal driving force:
1) Gear up their ideas
Always appreciate and positively encourage children to share there ideas. Make them feel elevated about this. According to the famous quote "Ideas are like chessmen moving forward: they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game."
2) Embrace Curiosity
As well said by someone, "Curiosity is the spark behind the spark of every great idea, the future belongs to the curious.” Children need to be extremely curious and inquisitive. This should be the very basis of education. The more kids get curious the more the spark ignites in them to do something innovative and creative. The purpose of education should not be collection of facts rather should be formation of mind.
3) Be full of Approbation
Praise is a bridge that carries us over everything. It’s the basic human instinct to like to be important. So, always praise kids with full approbation. A genuine praise builds a child’s confidence.
4) Positive Reinforcement
Consistent positive reinforcement is the fuel that keeps the fire burning long enough to achieve any change desired. Seed in the kids the value system in our culture, seed in them the importance of hard work, diligence, integrity, co-operation. As old adage says, "What you sow, so your reap".
5) Consider their capabilities
How good would be a lion in a tree climbing contest? Parents should identify the capabilities of the child and nurture it. Enforcing our ideas or frame of mind would only lead to mediocrity. Guide the child to discover themselves. Let them feel the enthusiasm of building their own future. Everyone of us is born with a spark. A spark to make a difference, a spark to create an identify. Parents should identify this very spark in their children.
Lastly, let us end this article with what Walter D Wintle aptly said in his poem,