Every page should have unique metatags.
HTML webpage code structure-
Metatags should be placed here
There are three important Metatags -
- Meta Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Keywords
The Metatitle names should not be morethan 55 characters or 512 pixes display. To know Title, Description words of a webpage, open the webpage SOURCE. (Ctrl + U).
Metatitle code structure-
Metatitle description structure-
Meta Keyword code structure-
- The description length should not be morethan 160 characters.
- Experts say Google is not giving more priority to key words these days.
- It is always preferable to put keywords in the content of webpage.
Image Tags: Every image should have proper and relevant FILE name, TITLE and ALT Text. The theme of the image should reflect in Title, File name & Alt text. It also should reflect popular keywords.
< img src=’smiley.gif’ title=’smiley face’ alt=’smiley face’ >