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Trigger Sceniors - session 3

Suresh Kumar Tavva
15/12/2016 0 0

Scenario 7:-

//Checking the model number with the existence values while inserting or updating

before insert,before update

//Variable Declaration

    List<Product__c> allProducts = new List<Product__c>();

    map<string,id>  nameMap = new map<string,id>();

    set<String> productNameSet = new Set<String>();

    for(Product__c  prdEach:trigger.new){




    //Retrieving all the product records


        allProducts=[select Name,id from  Product__c where name in:productNameSet limit 50000];

    }Catch(Exception exep){




    for(product__c prd:allProducts){




    //Iterating The list of all products and Identifying the Duplicates. If the Duplicates are existed Display the error message.


    for(Product__c newprd:trigger.new){


        if(nameMap.containsKey(newprd.name.toUppercase()) && (trigger.isinsert||(trigger.isupdate && nameMap.get(newprd.name.toUppercase())!=null&&nameMap.get(newprd.name.toUppercase())!=newprd.id))){


                newprd.name.adderror('The model is Already existed');




Scenario 8:-


After update

if (!RecurciveTrigger.hasAlreadyCreatedFollowUpTasks()) {

    set<id> qid=new set<id>();

    for(quote q:trigger.new){

        if(q.Free_of_cost_Approved__c==true && q.Record_Type_Name__c == 'Jewellery'){




    List<QuoteLineItem> updatelineItem =new List<QuoteLineItem>();



        for(QuoteLineItem qtl1:[select id,Sales_Price_c__c,QuoteId,TotalPrice from QuoteLineItem where QuoteId=:qid and Extra_Charges__c ='true' ]){









        update updatelineItem;


Scenario 8:-

// Can  not  delete an approved Quote

before delete

List<profile> pp = [Select Name From Profile  where Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()];

   for(Quote q:trigger.old)


  if(q.Opportunity.Record_Type_Name__c  != 'Jewellery' && q.Opportunity.Record_Type_Name__c != 'Lifestyle' && q.Opportunity.Record_Type_Name__c != 'Watches')


   if(q.Approval_Status__c == 'Approved' && pp[0].name!='System Administrator'){


   q.addError('Can not delete an approved Quote');



Scenario 9:-


after insert,after update,after delete

public static boolean flag = true;

    if(flag == true)



        flag = false;

        Set<id> quotId = new Set<Id>();

        Decimal Sum = 0;

        Decimal optionalSum = 0;

        if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate){

            for(Quote_Items__c q: trigger.new){





            for(Quote_Items__c q: trigger.old){




        List<Quote_Items__c> LineItem =new List<Quote_Items__c>();

         List<Quote> QoutlIst =new List<Quote>();


                         LineItem = [Select id,Total_Value__c,Optional__c from Quote_Items__c Where Quote__c IN: quotId ];

                         QoutlIst = [Select id,Total_Value_PECSA_new__c,Opportunity.Amount,opportunityId from Quote where id In: quotId ];


        list<opportunity> opplist = new list<opportunity> ();

        for(Quote_Items__c q : LineItem){

            if(q.Optional__c == true){

                optionalSum = optionalSum + q.Total_Value__c;  

                system.debug('+++++++++++++++optionalSum : '+optionalSum );


            sum = sum + q.Total_Value__c;

            system.debug('+++++++++++++++sum : '+sum );


        for(Quote q : QoutlIst){

            if(optionalSum != 0){

                q.Total_Value_PECSA_new__c = optionalSum;

                q.Opportunity.amount =q.Total_Value_PECSA_new__c;

                system.debug('+++++++++++++++q.Opportunity.amount : '+q.Opportunity.amount);

                opportunity obj = new opportunity(id =q.opportunityId,Amount =q.Opportunity.amount );





                q.Total_Value_PECSA_new__c = Sum;

              q.Opportunity.Amount  =q.Total_Value_PECSA_new__c;

              opportunity obj = new opportunity(id =q.opportunityId,Amount =q.Opportunity.amount );





        Update QoutlIst;   

        system.debug('+++++++++++++++opplist: '+opplist);


            update opplist;



        //flag = true;



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