In the previous classes, we came across different kinds of number, such as:
Natural Numbers - All counting numbers except 0, or we can say, all the numbers starting from 1. For eg-1,2,3,4etc.
Whole Numbers- All counting numbers along with 0. For eg-0,1,2,3etc.
Integers- All positive and negative natural numbers along with 0.For eg- -1,-2,-3,0,1,2,3etc.
Fractional Numbers
Decimal Numbers.
=> Now, in this chapter we are going to learn about a new kind of number, i.e., RATIONAL NUMBERS.
Rational number- A number that can be represented in the form of p/q where q≠0 and p and q are always integers. For eg- 2/3, -5/7, 1/2, -2, -1 etc.
Note: All integers can be written in the form of p /q so that they can be included in the rational number. E.g., -2 can also be written as -2/1.