Estimated Fees in India
₹ 500 to ₹ 800 per hour
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Approx. 11 years of experience in Retail, Banking, Healthcare & E-Comm. domain on Customer Driven Relevance Marketing(Direct Customer Mailing Campaigns, Campaigns Performance Evaluation) along with Customer Targeting, Retention & Acquisition. Exposure on Statistical- (Descriptive, Inferential & Predictive) Modeling Techniques (Sampling & Survey Methods, T,Z & Chi Square Test for goodness of fit, Time Series & Forecasting, Anova, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Clustering etc.) Worked on multidisciplinary projects related to campaign management, building a solution from scratch, automations, revamping of codes. Experience of project management, providing business insights and direction to project team and managing client relationship. Define, Design and Deliver DataStage ETL development work and packages that adhere to standards, guidelines, quality assurance reviews and testing.
I am a seasoned analytics professional with an urge towards teaching analytics and data visualization. --I've been directing development of Business Intelligence, Business Analytics since a long time now. --I am a multi-linguist of technology-driven business. I speak fluent geek, marketer, designer, trainer and salesperson. Understanding means fewer missteps, and missteps cost a fortune. --I don't care who gets credit. I just want to win. --I have Big Ideas. --Lots of people have Big ideas. Execution is what matters, and I do execution. --If my left and right brain were hands, I'd be ambidextrous.
Been in IT industry for around two and half years now. Database administration and data analysis are the sectors where I excel. By the way, there is always a love for scripting. Worked with Infosys in past and currently working as a Technical Consultant in Translab Innovations.
Beginner course to help students start with R programming in a very short time frame of 1-2 months. Learn data exploration using R.
I have an in-depth experience in executing and implementing cutting edge Analytics & Machine learning solutions to real world scenarios contributing to business growth and differentiation. Languages - R & Python Expertise with implementing Machine learning algorithms, Deep learning Neural Net, RPA, Natural Language Processing. My major projects include Image Analytics, Chatbot, Recommender Systems, Time Series Forecasting.
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Answered on 24/07/2018 Learn IT Courses/Data Science
Biswanath Banerjee
Data Science and Machine Learning AI Trainer trained 1000+ students
Asked on 30/09/2024 Learn IT Courses/R Programming
Asked on 30/09/2024 Learn IT Courses/R Programming
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